
梁維哲 博士


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    姓名: 梁維哲 (Wei-Zhe Liang)

    職稱: 高級助理研究員 (Senior Assistant Research Scientist)

    研究室: 活性氧化物與毒物分析研究室 (Reactive Oxygen Species and Analysis of Toxicants Lab)

    電話: 011-886-7-3422121-71626 or 71627

    傳真: 011-886-7-3468056

    電子信箱: wzliang@vghks.gov.tw

    最高學歷: 高雄國立中山大學生物科學(系)所 博士畢


    1. 高雄榮民總醫院教學研究部 高級助理研究員 (2020/03迄今)
    2. 大仁科技大學藥學系暨製藥科技研究所 兼任副教授 (2019/09/01迄今)
    3. 東洋藥品工業股份有限公司 約聘研究員 (2013/04至2018/01)


    1. 教育部頒定副教授 (副字第146791號)
    2. TOEIC高級檢定證照 (證書字號10503726)
    3. 特定化學作業主管安全衛生教育訓練結業證書 (高雄市政府勞工局高市勞條字第10941872900號; 證書字號110S01201030220; 2021/02/03)
    4. 有機溶劑作業主管安全衛生教育訓練結業證書 (高雄市政府勞工局高市勞條字第10933440700號; 證書字號109S04115010115; 2020/06/16)
    5. 經濟部智慧財產局之智慧財產培訓學院結業證書 (智培智基證字第00023號; 智培檢索證字第00017號)
    6. 財團法人國家衛生研究院毒理學家認證課程證書
    7. 成功大學生技藥物之開發管理培訓證書
    8. 2020年高榮優良研究成果暨研究論文發表會座長
    9. 中山大學生物科學系碩博士口試委員
    10. 陽明大學微生物及免疫學所博士口試委員
    11. 台灣毒理學學會永久會員 (2017迄今)


    1. 毒理醫學
    2. 環境毒物
    3. 氧化壓力
    4. 毒殺路徑


    1. 期刊論文

    單獨第一作者或通訊作者: #第一作者 *通訊作者 (高榮就職近三年發表論文)

    1. Hsu SS, Lin YS, Chio, LM, Liang WZ*. Evaluation of the mycotoxin patulin on cytotoxicity and oxidative stress in human glioblastoma cells and investigation of protective effect of the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Toxicon 2023 Jan;221:106957 (IF: 3.035; Pharmacology & Pharmacy ranking: 176/279)
    2. Chu CS, Lin YS, Liang WZ*. The Impact of the Antipsychotic Medication Chlorpromazine on Cytotoxicity through Ca2+ Signaling Pathway in Glial Cell Models. Neurotox Res 2022 Jun;40(3):791-802 (IF: 3.978; Neurosciences ranking: 128/274)
    3. Lin YS, Chen WY, Liang WZ*. Investigation of Cytotoxicity and Oxidative Stress Induced by the Pyrethroid Bioallethrin in Human Glioblastoma Cells: The Protective Effect of Vitamin E (VE) and Its Underlying Mechanism. Chem Res Toxicol 2022 May;35(5):880-889 (IF: 3.973; Toxicology ranking: 35/94)
    4. Hsu SS, Lin YS, Liang WZ*. Inhibition of the pesticide rotenone-induced Ca2+ signaling, cytotoxicity and oxidative stress in HCN-2 neuronal cells by the phenolic compound hydroxytyrosol. Pestic Biochem Physiol 2021 Nov;179:104979 (IF: 4.966; Entomology ranking: 6/100)
    5. Hsu SS, Lin YS, Liang WZ*. Investigation of cytotoxic effect of the bufanolide steroid compound cinobufagin and its related underlying mechanism in brain cell models. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 2021 Oct;35(10):e22862. (IF: 3.568; Toxicology ranking: 47/94)
    6. Hsu SS, Lin YS, Liang WZ*. Mechanism of action of a diterpene alkaloid hypaconitine on cytotoxicity and inhibitory effect of BAPTA-AM in HCN-2 neuronal cells. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2021 May;48(5):801-10 (IF: 2.963; Physiology ranking: 41/81)
    7. Hsu SS, Liang WZ*. Cytotoxic Effects of Mesaconitine, the Aconitum Carmichaelii Debx Bioactive Compound, on HBEC-5i Human Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells: Role of Ca2+ Signaling-Mediated Pathway. Neurotox Res 2021 Apr;39(2):256-65 (IF: 3.978; Neurosciences ranking: 128/274)
    8. Hsu SS, Liang WZ*. Ca2+ signaling as a mechanism of haloperidol-induced cytotoxicity in human astrocytes and assessing the protective role of a Ca2+ chelator. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 2020 Nov;393(11):2117-27 (IF: 3.195; Pharmacology & Pharmacy ranking: 168/279)


    1. 研討會論文
      1. Lin YS, Chen WY, Liang WZ*. (2022/08/13-14). Investigation of the pyrethroid insecticide bioallethrin that induced cytotoxicity and oxidative stress and preventive role of Vitamin E (VE) in DBTRG-05MG human glioblastoma cells. (除蟲菊酯殺蟲劑生物丙烯菊酯在人膠質母細胞瘤細胞中誘發細胞毒性和氧化壓力的調查及探討維生素E的保護作用)。第13屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會 (The 13th Asian-Pacific Forum of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Taichung, Taiwan)。
      2. Chu CS, Liang WZ*. (2022/08/13-14). The impact of the antipsychotic medication chlorpromazine on cytotoxicity through Ca2+ signaling pathway in glial cell models. (抗精神病藥物氯丙嗪對神經膠質細胞模型中鈣離子信號傳遞和細胞毒性的影響)。第13屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會 (The 13th Asian-Pacific Forum of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Taichung, Taiwan)。
      3. Chen HC, Chen WY, Cheng JT, Liang WZ*. (2022/08/13-14). Investigation of the effect of the organophosphate insecticide chlorpyrifos on cytotoxicity and oxidative stress in human glioblastoma cell model. (探討有機磷殺蟲藥陶斯松在腦瘤細胞模型中毒殺效應和氧化壓力的影響)。第13屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會 (The 13th Asian-Pacific Forum of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Taichung, Taiwan)。
      4. Liang WZ#, Chio LM, Hsu SS. (2022/08/13-14). Mechanisms underlying protective effect of the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) against the mycotoxin patulin-induced cytotoxicity in human glial cell model. (探討抗氧化劑 N-乙酰半胱氨酸在人膠質細胞模型中展青黴素誘發細胞毒性的保護機制)。第13屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會 (The 13th Asian-Pacific Forum of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Taichung, Taiwan)。
      5. Wen SC, Hsu SS, Yen HC, Liang WZ*. (2021/04/10-11). Protective Effects of Vitamin E (VE) against Mycotoxin Deoxynivalenol-Induced Cytotoxicity through Apoptosis in Normal Human Brain Endothelial Cells. (維生素E在正常人腦內皮細胞中對黴菌毒素脫氧雪腐酚誘導細胞毒性的保護作用)。第12屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會 (The 12th Asian-Pacific Forum of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Taichung, Taiwan)。