
李佳榮 博士


    Art editor Img


    1. 高雄榮總 婦女醫學部 研究員 (2024.03.-)
    2. 高雄榮總 婦女醫學部 副研究員 (2019.02.-2024.03) 
    3. 國立中山大學生技醫藥研究所 合聘副教授 (2020-)
    4. 教育部頒定助理教授(助字第149431號) (2020.03-)
    5. 秀傳紀念醫院醫研部 研究員兼組長 (2017.02-2019.02)  
    6. 秀傳醫學雜誌執行編輯 (2017.07-2019.01)
    7. 國立成功大學 臨床醫學研究所 博士後研究員 (2015.08-2017.02)
    8. 慈濟大學 醫學科學研究所 博士 (2008.09-2015.07)
    9. 中央研究 細胞與個體生物學研究所 (2006.06-2007.12)


    The mitochondrion receives most recognition for its role in generating energy for cells in the body and they are commonly referred to as the powerhouse. Energy flow through our cells is largely driven by mitochondria, which in turn give us the ability to sense and perceive, integrate information, and adapt to stressors. Our research team combines knowledge from mitochondrial biology, reproductive endocrinology, aging, computational bioinformatics, and mitochondrial medicine to understand principles of mitochondrial communication and signal transduction. We deployed a mitochondrial phenotype analysis platform with our collaborators to map mitochondrial morphological differences and individual differences, understand mitochondrial plasticity over time, and map its role in human health and aging maintenance on various diseases.
