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Huang WC, Wann SR, Lin SL, Kung MH , Lin CH , Hsu CW. Continuous Quality Improvement Reduce Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Intensive Care Units, 25th October. 2003. Soc Emerg Crit Care Med(Suppl I)2003, Page 124.
SL Lin, WC Huang, SR Wann, CH Lin, CW Hsu, SJ Lee, YC Liu. Impact of quality improvement program in reducing the catheter-associated urinary tract infections in intensive units. Critical Care And Shock, May. 2004;7(2) suppl No.1:182 (FP08-3) The 13th Congress of the Western Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine in conjunction with the 24th Annual Congress of the Korean Society of Critical care Medicine, June 10-13, 2004. Hotel Lotte Jamsil, Seoul, Korea.
Huang WC, Lin SL, Wann SR, Lin CH, Hsu CW, Chang RI, Chang HC, Liu CP, Liu YC, Ching HC, Wei CH, Chen HL, Wen RY, Chao HL, Tseng PL, Tseng GI, Lai KH. Continuous Quality Improvement via quality-control-circle activity is capable of reducing the Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Intensive Care Units (Anti-bacteria circle). International Convention on Quality control circles, December. 2004; Volume 1: C6-1~C6-9. International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC 2004-Bangkok). 13-15, December, 2004 Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.(參加「國際品管圈會議臺灣代表團」代表中華民國於「二十七屆國際品管圈會議」發表)
Wei-Chun Huang, Renin Chang, Chien-Wei Hsu, Chin-Hsun Lin, Ming-Hsin Mai, Kam-Chung Lee, Chun-Peng Liu, Shoa-Lin Lin. Continuous Quality Improvement ReduceS unplanned extubation in Intensive Care Units. Journal of Taiwan society of critical care medicine, 2005
黃偉春 林子雯 張人尹 許健威 林志洵 買明信 林少琳 李錦中 張惠敏 魏仲秀 陳惠鈴 何修嫺 歐惠容 劉俊鵬. 降低成人加護中心非計劃性氣管內管滑脫率之品質提升方案. 第四屆台灣醫療品質促進年會. C場:病人安全醫療照護.17th June. 2006. (福華國際文教會館,台北市大安區新生南路三段30號)
Huang WC,, Lin TW, Hsu CW, Lin CH, Liu CP, Lin SL. Effectiveness of analgesic in reducing the unplanned extubation in patients with respiratory failure via quality improvement program. 28th world congress of internal medicine, WCIM 2006 p-218 (10-13 November, Taipei international convention center, poster CC-03)
Huang Wei-Chun, Lin Tzu-Wen, Hsu Chien-Wei, Lin Chin-Hsun, Chang Renin, Wei Chung-Hsiu, Au Wai-Yung, Chen Hung-Ling, Her Shiou-shyan, Cheng Hum-min, Kam-Chung Lee, Ming-Hsin Mai, Chun-Peng Liu, and Shoa-Lin Lin. Pain Control Decreases Unplanned Extubation in Intensive Care Units via Continuous The International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) 24 th annual meeting (Boston)2007, Page 3.
Wei-Chun Huang, MD, Wai-Yung Au, SV, Shoa-Lin Lin, MD, Chien-Wei Hsu, MD, Chin-Hsun Lin, MD, Renin Chang, MD, Chung-Hsiu Wei, HN, Hung-Ling Chen, HN, Shiou-shyan Her, AHN, Hum-min Cheng, RN, Kam-Chung Lee, MD, and Ming-Hsin Mai, MD. Quality Control Circle Reduces Unplanned Extubation in Intensive Care Units. International Convention on Quality control circles, December. 2007; Volume 1: C6-1~C6-9. International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC 2007-Beijeng). 24-26th, October, 2007 Bejijeng, China.(參加「國際品管圈會議臺灣代表團」代表中華民國於「三十屆國際品管圈會議」發表)
Huang WC, Kuo FU, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Chiang CH, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Li WK, Wann SR, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. The Effect of Failure Mode Effect Analysis on Reducing Door-to-Balloon Time and Mortality in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial infarction. Acta Cardiol Sin. 2008, Oct, Vol. 24, Supplement I, p41.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. Quality-of-Care Indicators in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction can be Improved by a Continuous Quality Improvement program. Acta Cardiol Sin. 2008, Oct, Vol. 24, Supplement I, p41.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Chiang CH, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Li WK, Wann SR, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. Failure Mode and Effect analysis (FMEA) reduces Door to Balloon Time and Mortality in ST segment Elevation MI. 3rd Taiwan society of critical care medicine (TSCCM) annual meeting, 2008, Oct 4-5. p165.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. Quality-of-Care Indicators in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction can be Improved by a Continuous Quality Improvement program. Annual Conference of Taiwan Society of Critical Care Medicine TSCCM, annual convention, 2008, Oct. p105.
Huang WC, Kuo FU, Cheng CC, Chiang CH, Tsai HL, Chung CC, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Li WK, Wann SR, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. The Effect of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis on Reducing Door-to-Balloon Time and Mortality in patients with ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarctio. Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine, Annual meeting, 2008, Nov. Abstract book, p.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Chiang CH, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. Quality-of-Care Indicators in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction can be Improved by a Continuous Quality Improvement program. Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine, Annual meeting, 2008, Nov. Abstract book, p.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Chung CC, Chiang CH, Li WK, Wann SR, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. DOOR-TO-BALLOON TIME AND MORTALITY IN ST-SEGMENT ELEVATION MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION CAN BE REDUCED BY QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. CCT 2009 Jan 29-31. (Complex Cardiovascular Therapeutics) Annual meeting, Abstract book, Page 72.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Tasi HL, Chiou KR, Wann SR, Lin SL, Liu CP. THE EFFECT OF FAILURE MODE AND EFFECT ANALYSIS ON REDUCING DOOR-TO-BALLOON TIME AND MORTALITY IN ST-SEGMENT ELEVATION MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION. ACC’09 American College of Cardiology, 58th annual meeting (USA, Orlando). 2009, March 29-31. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2009. Page.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. Quality-of-Care Indicators in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction can be Improved by a Continuous Quality Improvement program. Angioplasty Summit-TCT Asia (Seoul, Korea). 2009, April 22-24. Am J Cardiol. 2009, Page.
Chiang CH, Kuo FU, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. Quality-of-care indicators in patients with acute myocardial infarction can be improved by a continuous quality improvement. 18th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology. APCC 2009. International J Cardiol. 2009 April;Suppl 1:P.
Huang WC, Kuo FU, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Chiang CH, Tsai HL, Chung CC, Chiou KR, Wann SR, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. The impact of failure mode and effect analysis on reducing door-to-balloon time and mortality in patients after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Congress of the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (Euro-PCR) 2009 conference, May 19-22. (Oral presentation, Spain, Barcelona.) Eurointervention. 2009, p.
Liu CP, Kuo FU, Huang WC, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Lin SL, Chiou KR, Clinical Impact of Continous Quality Improvement on Reducing Door-to-Balloon Time and Mortality in Patients with ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Primary Angioplasty. Wann SR. XV International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, 2009, June 14-18. Boston, USA. Abstract book, p.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Wann SR, Lin SL, Liu CP. The Quality Care of Patients with ST-segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infartion from Reducing Door-to-Balloon Time and Mortality: A Failure Mode and Effect Analysis study. The International Society for Quality in Health Care 26th annual meeting ISQua 2009, Page. (Ireland)
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Wann SR, Lin SL, Liu CP. The Quality Care of Patients with ST-segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infartion from Reducing Door-to-Balloon Time and Mortality: A Failure Mode and Effect Analysis study. The International Society for Quality in Health Care 26th annual meeting ISQua 2009, Page. (Ireland)
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. Quality-of-care indicators in patients with acute myocardial infarction can be improved by a continuous quality project. 32th International Convention on Quality control circles, ICQCC 2009, October; Volume : page.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Chiou CW, Liu CP. Quality-of-Care Indicators in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction cab Be Improved by A Continuous Quality Improvement Program. The International Society for Quality in Health Care 27th annual meeting ISQua. 13 Oct, 2010, Page. (Paris, France)
Kuo FY, Huang WC. Continuous quality improvement method - reducing door-to-balloon time and mortality ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) & Stent for Life Forum. Congress of the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (Euro-PCR) 2010 conference, 25 May 2010. (Oral presentation, Paris, France.) Eurointervention. 2010, p.
Huang WC, Kuo FU, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Wann SR, Lin SL, Liu CP. The effect of continuous quality improvement method on reducing Door-to-Balloon Time and Mortality in Patients with ST-segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction. Congress of the Asia Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (Asia-PCR). 23 Jan, 2010. Singapore, page. (Abstract winner)
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC Lee D, Yeh TC, Hang HR, Lai CC, Lin SL, Chiou CW, Liu CP. Efficacy of STEMI network in Southern Taiwan- a 3-year follow up study. 中華民國心臟學會第四十一屆年會暨學術演講會 Acta Cardiol Sin, (Suppl I) p-, PM1600 14 May, 2011.
Huang WC, The experience of Reducing Door-to-Balloon time and Mortality in Patients after myocardial infarction. Cardiovascular Interventional Summit Hong Kong Case competition第七屆中國南方心臟介入研討會 Nov 24, 2012 Macau
Huang WC. The experience of quality improvement in critical care. The Taiwan Society of Critical Care Medicine annual conference, 2014. Oct 12, 2014. Taipei, Taiwan.
Huang WC. The advance of prehospital ECG in Taiwan.臺北市政府衛生局102年度緊急醫療教育訓練-「重大緊急傷病之區域化照護體系之建置—從社區、到院前救護、急診到各專科照護」計畫課程. 新光醫院地下一樓大會議室June 18, 2013. Taipei, Taiwan
Huang WC. The improvement of early mobilization in patients with acute myocardial infarction using continuous quality improvement program. The Taiwan Society of Critical Care Medicine annual conference, 2014. Oct 12, 2014. Taipei, Taiwan.中華民國重症醫學會102年會員大會暨學術演講會 年會最佳論論文獎第一名(口頭)
Huang WC. The improvement of early mobilization in patients with acute myocardial infarction using continuous quality improvement program. The society of emergency critical care and medicine annual conference, 2014. Oct 12, 2014. Taipei, Taiwan. 中華民國急救加護醫會 102 年年會 台大醫院國際會議中心二樓203會場
Huang WC. The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan. 促進特殊緊急傷病患轉診效能模式研討會Oct 22, 2013. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄長庚兒童醫院6F藍光廳
Huang WC. The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan. 高雄市緊急醫療資訊整合中心(EMOC)年度緊急醫療救護研討會Oct 28, 2013. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄長庚星光廳
Huang WC. The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan. 102年度高屏醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫成果發表會Nov 15, 2013. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄麗尊酒店
Huang WC. The improvement of early mobilization in patients with acute myocardial infarction using continuous quality improvement program. Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine annal conference 2014. Nov 23, 2014. Taipei, Taiwan. 102年台灣內科醫學會會員大會暨學術演講會
Huang WC. The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan. 高屏醫療區計畫總成果發表會Dec 9, 2013. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄榮總急診大樓6樓
Huang WC. The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan. TSOC winter conference.中華民國心臟學會冬季學術研討會Dec 11, 2013. Tainan, Taiwan台南香格里拉會議室
Huang WC. The improvement of early mobilization in patients with acute myocardial infarction using continuous quality improvement program. Jan 16-18, 2014. Asia PCR, 2014. Singapore.
Huang WC. The experience of quality improvement in critical care. 國立成功大學醫學院附設醫院第十一屆品質成果競賽發表會Feb 13, 2014. Tainan, Taiwan成功大學醫學院成杏廳
Huang WC. The experience of quality improvement in clinical care. 浦東東海論壇研討會. Feb 21, 2014. Shanghai, China
Huang WC. The experience of quality improvement in clinical care. 臺北市立聯合醫院102年度品質改善專案成果發表會March 20, 2014. Taipei, Taiwan臺北市立聯合醫院忠孝院區
Huang WC. The experience of preospital ECG in Taiwan. NTU Yunlin hospital 10th international conference. Emergency and Critical Care:Reorganization for More-efficient Care Delivery. 台大雲林分院十周年國際學術研討會March 22, 2014. Yunlin, Taiwan台大雲林分院
Huang WC. Quality improvement in clinical care成大麻醉科月會分享April 19, 2014.
Huang WC. Door-to-balloon Time: The Only Thing in Primary PCI? May 18, 2014. TSOC annual conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
Huang WC. The improvement of early mobilization in patients with acute myocardial infarction using continuous quality improvement program. The 4th International Conference on Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety, HEPS. June 25, 2014
Huang WC. The experience of quality improvement in critical care. 103年度南區醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫-醫療品質暨病人安全優良案例分享研討會June 27, 2014. Tainan, Taiwan新樓醫院六樓馬雅各紀念堂
Huang WC .The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city,Taiwan 103年度南區醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫醫療品質暨病人安全優良案例分享研討會July26,2014. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄市政府衛生局5樓視訊會議室
Wei-Chun Huang, Cheng-Chung Hung, Jin-Shiou Yang, Cheng-Hung Chiang, Chuen-Wang Chiou, Pei-Leun Kang, Chun-Peng Liu, How to improve early mobilization in patients with uncomplicated acute ST elevation myocardial infarction?2014年台灣健康照護聯合學術研討會 29 aug 2014
Huang WC. Quality improvement in clinical care兩岸醫療獎決賽發表分享Sep 2, 2014. 中國杭州
Huang WC. The experience of quality improvement in acute ST elevation myocardial infarction? 長海會,上海市第二軍醫大學長海医院 Sep 27 2014 上海
Wei-Chun Huang, Cheng-Chung Hung, Kuan-Rau Chiou, Chin-Chang Cheng, Cheng-Hung Chiang, Feng-Yu Kuo, Jin-Shiou Yang , Shin-Hung Hsiao, Chi-Cheng Lai, Tong-Chen Yeh, Hsiang-chiang Hsiao, Tzu-Wen Lin, Guang-Yuan Mar, Chuen-Wang Chiou, Pei-Leun Kang, Chun-Peng Liu., How to set up pre-hospital ambulance electrocardiogram system in Taiwan? Taiwan society of critical care medicine (TSCCM) annual meeting, Oct 4. 2014 台大醫學院 101~104 講堂
Cheng-Chung Hung, MD1, Wei-Chun Huang, MD, PHD1,2,3, Kuan-Rau Chiou, MD 1,2, Chin-Chang Cheng, MD 1,2, Cheng-Hung Chiang, MD1, Feng-Yu Kuo, MD1, Jin-Shiou Yang 3, Shin-Hung Hsiao, MD 1,2, Chi-Cheng Lai, MD 1,2, Tong-Chen Yeh, MD1, Hsiang-chiang Hsiao, MD1,2, Tzu-Wen Lin, PHD4, Guang-Yuan Mar, MD1, Chuen-Wang Chiou, MD 1,2, Pei-Leun Kang, MD 1,Chun-Peng Liu, MD 1,2. The successful experience of establishment of pre-Hospital ECG in Kaohsiung city.中華民國急救加護醫學會103年年會暨學術研討會Oct 18, 2014台大醫院國際會議中心三樓海報展示區
Wei-Chun Huang, MD, PHDa,b,c, Cheng-Chung Hung, MDa, Yi-Jyan Lioud, Cheng-Hung Chiang, MD a,b, Song-Ming Hungd, Yi-Shou Lind, Chin-Chang Cheng, MD a,b, Feng-Yu Kuo, MDa, Kuan-Rau Chiou, MD a,b, Chien-Jung Chene, Li-Shuang Yane, Chin-Yen Liue, Hsiao-Hsing Wange, Pei-Leun Kang, MD, PHDa,b, Hong-Long Chend, Chi-Kung Hoe, Guang-Yuan Mar, MDa, Chun-Peng Liu, MD a,b. How to improve prehospital electrocardiogram implementation rate via hybrid QC circle method in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan? International Conference on Quality 2014, SGA Kaizen Competition Session, Tokyo. 20th, October, 2014
Wei-Chun Huang, MD, PHD1,2,3, Cheng-Chung Hung, MD1, Kuan-Rau Chiou, MD 1,2, Chin-Chang Cheng, MD 1,2, Cheng-Hung Chiang, MD1, Feng-Yu Kuo, MD1, Guang-Yuan Mar, MD1, Pei-Leun Kang, MD 1,Chun-Peng Liu, MD 1,2. How to set up pre-hospital ambulance electrocardiogram system in Taiwan? CCT2014 October 31, 2014
Huang WC .The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan 103年度高屏醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫年度總成果發表會暨年終檢討會Nov 4,2014. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄福華大飯店七樓金龍廳
林肅強1 黃偉春1,2,3洪正中1邱寬饒1,2江承鴻1鄭錦昌1,2郭風裕1馬光遠1 康沛倫1 劉俊鵬1,2How to set up successful pre-hospital electrocardiogram model in Kaohsiung city via continuous quality improvement progam? 台灣內科醫學會103年年會. Nov 22, 2014
Huang WC. (speech) The Experience of Pre-hospital Care in Patients with STEMI in Taiwan心血管病学进展-2, 6th廈門海峽國際心血管病學論壇 (GAP-CCBC) 11:10-11:25, 28 Nov. 2014. China.
黃偉春1,2,3 洪正中1 洪松銘4 林益收4 劉一娟4 江承鴻1,2 萬樹人5 劉錦燕6顏麗霜6 陳建榮6 王小星6 鄭錦昌1,2郭風裕1 馬光遠1 康沛倫1 劉俊鵬1,2Using Hybrid Quality-control-circle Method to Improve Ambulance Prehospital Electrocardiogram Implantation Rate.台灣急診醫學會2014年冬季學術討論會Dec 19, 2014 嘉義長庚醫院 第二國際會議廳
Huang WC .The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan 103全國首創即時無線傳輸12導程心電圖系統成果發表會Dec31,2014. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄市政府衛生局8樓國際會議室
Wei-Chun Huang, MD, PHD1,2,3, Cheng-Chung Hung, MD1, Kuan-Rau Chiou, MD 1,2, Chin-Chang Cheng, MD 1,2, Cheng-Hung Chiang, MD1, Feng-Yu Kuo, MD1, Guang-Yuan Mar, MD1, Pei-Leun Kang, MD 1,Chun-Peng Liu, MD 1,2. How to shorten ischemia to balloon time via pre-hospital ambulance electrocardiogram system in Taiwan? (11:18 - 11:26) AsiaPCR. Friday 23rd January, 2015
Huang WC. (speech) Efficient AMI team - Optimization of treatment Process中國南方國際心血管病學術會. April 9-12 China, 2015 (中國廣州)
Huang WC. The Successful Experience of Establishment of Ambulance Pre-Hospital Electrocardiogram System in Kaohsiung City, TAIWAN. TCTAP2015. April 30, 2015 11:00 AM ~ 11:10 AM Abstract Zone I, Level 1 Moderated Oral Abstract Competition I 1-7. Acute Myocardiac Infarction, Seoul, Korea
Wei-Chun Huang1,2,3, Pei-Leun Kang1, Guang-Yuan Mar1, Chun-Peng Liu1,2 The Successful Experience of Establishment of Ambulance Pre-Hospital Electrocardiogram System in Kaohsiung City, TAIWAN.. May 23-24. TSOC 2015
Huang WC, Hung CC, Hung SM, Liu YS, Chiang CH, Wann SR, Liu CY, Yan LS, Chen CJ, Want HH, Cheng CC, Kuo FY, Mar GY, Kang PL, Liu CP. Using Hybrid Quality-control-circle Method to Improve Ambulance Prehospital Electrocardiogram Implantation Rate. Taiwan society of emergency medicine summer conference. May 23, 2015
Huang WC. Efficient AMI team work急性胸痛区域救治研讨会暨第六届黄河口心血管病论坛論壇 May 29-30 2015
Huang WC, Hung CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. The successful experience of establishment of pre-hospital ECG in Kaohsiung city. ISQUA Oct 4-7, 2015.
Huang WC, Hung CC, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. The improvement of early mobilization in patients with acute myocardial infarction using continuous quality improvement program. ICQCC OCT 5-8. 2015
Huang WC .The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan 104年度南區醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫「醫療創新與優秀案例觀摩提升病人安全」研討會Oct8,2015. Tainan, Taiwan台南市立醫院
Cheng CC, Huang WC, Yang JS, Lin KL, Hung CC, Chiou KR, Chiang CH, Kuo FY, Wann SR, Mar GY, Liu CP. The quality care of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension via quality control circle method. The society of emergency critical care and medicine annual conference SECCM Oct 17, 2015
Huang WC, Cheng CC, Yang JS, Lin KL, Hung CC, Chiou KR, Chiang CH, Kuo FY, Wann SR, Mar GY, Liu CP. Does the multidisciplinary care model Improve quality of life in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension? The Taiwan Society of Critical Care Medicine annual conference. TSCCM Oct 18, 2015
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Hung CC, Liou YJ, Hung SM, Chiang CH, Lin YS, Cheng CC, Chiou KR, Chen CJ, Yan LS, Liu CY, Wang HH, Kang PL, Chen HL, Ho CK, Mar GY, Liu CP. The successful experience of establishment of Asia First City based telemetry transmit Ambulance Pre-hospital Electrocardiogram System In Taiwan, CCT Kobe 29 Oct. 2015.
Huang WC .The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan 104年度高屏醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫-轉診子計畫年度成果發表會暨學術研討會Oct29,2015. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄福容大飯店五樓會議室
Huang WC .The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan104年度高屏醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫暨醫療網成果發表會Oct30,2015. Pingtung,Taiwan屏東大鵬灣國家風景區的視聽區
Huang WC .The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan 104年度高屏醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫-全國年終檢討會Nov3,2015. Yunlin, Taiwan雲林劍湖山王子大飯店
Huang WC. ACS network in Taiwan. The 8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) Nov 8. 2015
Huang WC, Hung CC, Liou YJ, Chiang CH, Hung SM, Wang HH, Chen HL, Ho CK, Mar GY, Liu CP. How to set up successful ambulance pre-hospital electrocardiogram model in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan? The 8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) Nov 7-10. 2015
Yang TH, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Yang JS, Lin KL, Hung CC, Chiou KR, Chiang CH, Kuo FY, Wann SR, Mar GY, Kang PL, Liu CP. The multidisciplinary care model Can Improve quality of life in patients with pulmonary hypertension. Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine, Annual meeting, 2005,TSIM Dec 5, 2015
Huang WC, Cheng CC, Yang JS, Lin KL, Hung CC, Chiou KR, Chiang CH, Kuo FY, Wann SR, Mar GY, Kang PL, Liu CP. The multidisciplinary care model Can Improve quality of life in patients with pulmonary hypertension. Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine, Annual meeting, 2005,TSOC Dec 12, 2015
Huang WC. Quality care of acute coronary syndrome in Taiwan. ASSA (Annual Scientific Session of Asian Society of Cardiology) 19 December,Shenzhen
Huang WC, Hung CC, Liou YJ, Hung SM, Chiang CH, Lin YS, Cheng CC, Kuo FY, Chiou KR, Chen CJ, Yan LS, Liu CY, Wang HH, Kang PL, Chen HL, Ho CK, Mar GY, Liu CP. Using Hybrid Quality Improvement Methods to Improve Ambulance Prehospital Electrocardiogram Implantation Rate in Kaohsiung City. TTT Jan 9, 2016.
Huang WC, Hung CC, Liou YJ, Kao WC, Chiang CH, Cheng CC, Kuo FY, Chiou KR, Yan LS, Liu CY, Wang HH, Kang PL, Chen HL, Ho CK, Mar GY, Liu CP. How to improve the ratio of ambulance use of patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan? TSOC 2016. 14th May, 2016.09:45-10:00.
Cheng CC, Huang WC, WangWH, Yang JS, Lin KL, Hung CC, Chiou KR, Chiang CH, Kuo FY, Wann SR, Mar GY, Kang PL, Liu CP. The application of healthcare failure mode and effect analysis to improve the quality care of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. TSOC 2016. 14th May, 2016.
洪宛廷,黃偉春 ,林坤璋, 林聖哲 ,郭書宏 , 鄭錦昌,江承鴻,楊金修,莊旺川,劉瑞霖, 林博翔,馮凱昱,侯德生,陳紘騰,陳諰蓁,張穗群,吳孟貞,康沛倫,陳垚生,萬樹人,馬光遠, 劉俊鵬. 透過警示系統降低院內心跳停止發生率-以醫學中心為例.Luncheon Symposium ‐ Heart Failure Management .Oct 16, 2016..B09(Poster)
Wei-Chun Huang.Accessory for Twelve-Lead Electrocar Diography Apparatus.Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF).Golden Award.Nov 26,2015.
Wei-Chun Huang.Accessory for Twelve-Lead Electrocar Diography Apparatus.Geneva Invention 2015.Golden Award.Apr 15,2015.
Wei-Chun Huang.Ultra-rapid electrocardiogram device.The Invention & New Product Exposition (INPEX) Invention Trade Show in Pittsburg,USA. Golden Award.Jun 7,2016.
Wei-Chun Huang.Smart medical heat lamp.Kaohsiung international invention show.Golden Award.Dec 9,2016.
Wei-Chun Huang. The quality care of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension via continuous quality improvement program. 2017年國際品管圈大會(ICQCC ).Oct 24,2017. GOLDEN MEETING ROOM 5
Wei-Chun Huang. 品質管理的經驗、挑戰與展望. 健康照護機構品質管理與創新課程-品質管理的經驗、挑戰與展望.Jun 13,2017. 台大公共院生學院大樓208教室
Wei-Chun Huang. 公私協力優化醫療防災對策:願景與挑戰.Jun 21,2017. 高雄市政府衛生局8樓會議室
Wei-Chun Huang. 醫療品質改善暨智慧醫療標竿研習課程. 106年度醫療品質改善暨智慧醫療標竿研習課程.Jul 27,2017. 三軍總醫院第二演講廳、304會議室
Wei-Chun Huang. 降低全院病房院內心跳停止發生率. 105年度提升醫療品質改善活動競賽成果發表.Jan 25,2017. 寶建醫院B棟 3F第5會議室
Huang WC, Hung CC, Liou YJ , Syu GJ, Chiang CH, Cheng CC,Kuo FY, Yan LS , Kang PL, Mar GY, Liu CP.The establishment of pre-hospital ambulance 12-lead electrocardiography telemetry system in Taiwan: a multi-city experience from 2011 to 2018.European Society of Cardiology. Submission deadline is Wednesday 14 February 2018. Munich – Germany .The world's largest cardiovascular congress.
Hung CC, Huang WC, Liou YJ, Cheng JS, Mar GY, Liu CP, The development of ambulance pre-hospital electrocardiography system in Taiwan from 2011 to 2018. International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare :APAC .Convention and Exhibition Centre in Melbourne Australia, between 10-12 September 2018.
Hung CC, Huang WC, Lin KC, Cheng CC, Yang JS , Lin KL, Hung WT, Chiang CH, Lin SC, Kuo SH, Kuo FY, Mar GY, Kang PL, Liu CP,.The early mobilization of patients with acute myocardial infarction can be achieved via innovative over-head lifting system in intensive care units . ESICM 2nd EuroAsia Conference Hong Kong 11-14 April 2018, Hong Kong – Harbour Grand Kowloon Hotel.
Huang WC, Hung CC, Liou YJ , Syu GJ, Chiang CH, Cheng CC, Kuo FY, Yan LS, Kang PL, Mar GY, Liu CP.Ambulance 12-lead electrocardiography telemetry system in Taiwan: 8-year experience.ESICM 2nd EuroAsia Conference Hong Kong 11-14 April 2018, Hong Kong – Harbour Grand Kowloon Hotel.
Lin KC, Huang WC, Juan WC, Kuo SH, Hung WT, Chiang CH, Lin SC, Cheng CC, Lin P H, Mar GY, Wann SR, Chen Ys, Liu CP. The impact of innovative early warning information system on reducing in-hospital cardiac arrest: 5-year experience. ESICM 2nd EuroAsia Conference Hong Kong 11-14 April 2018, Hong Kong – Harbour Grand Kowloon Hotel.
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Choa CT, Tseng CJ, Wang WC, Chen KH, Wu LS, Wu CJ, Lin SL, Liu CP, Chiang HT. An useful "risk index" for predicting in-hospital mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Acta Cardiol Sinica. 15:62, 1999.
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Lin SL, Kung MH, Wann SR, Hsu CW, Lin CH. Acute Myocardial Infarction After Heroin Injections. J Emerg Crit Care Med (Taiwan) 2002, (suppl I) p91.
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Huang WC, Chiou KR, Lin SL, Hsiao SH, Lee Doyal, Liu CP, Chiang HT. Comparison of myocardial contrast echocardiography and dobutamine echocardiography in predicting the myocardial viability after myocardial infarction. Acta Cardiol Sin, (Suppl I) p-28, 2003.
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Wei-Chun Huang, Shin-Hung Hsiao, Kuan-Rau Chiou, Ming-Ting Wu*, Shih-kai Lin, Guang-Yuan Mar, Hsiang-chiang Hsiao, Doyal Lee, Chuen-Wang Chiou, Han-Ren Wu, Tung-Cheng Yeh, Hwong-Ru Hwang, Chi-cheng Lia, Shoa-Lin Lin, Chun-Peng Liu. COMPARISON OF 16-SLICE SUBMILLIMETER MULTIDECTOR SPIRAL COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY WITH CONVENTIONAL ANGIOGRAPHY FOR DETECTION OF CORONARY STENOSIS IN PATIENTS AFTER ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME. Acta Cardiol Sin, 2005 August, Volume 21, supplement III, P193
Wei-Chun Huang, Kuan-Rau Chiou, Shin-Hung Hsiao, Ming-Ting Wu*, Y-L Huang*, Shih-kai Lin, Guang-Yuan Mar, Hsiang-chiang Hsiao, Doyal Lee, Chuen-Wang Chiou, Tung-Cheng Yeh, Han-ren Wu, Chi-cheng Lia, Shoa-Lin Lin, Chun-Peng Liu. Comparison of culprit and non-culprit vessel by coronary calcium via 16-Slice Submillimeter Multidector Spiral computerized Tomography in patients after acute myocardial infarction Acta Cardiol Sin, Acta Cardiol Sin Volume 22. Suppl II, p-183, 2006.
Chiou KR, Huang WC, Hsiao SH, Mar GH, Wu MT, Peng NJ, Liu CP. Delayed contrast-enhanced multi-dectector row CT scan imaging in assessing chronic myocardial infarction: correlation with Thallium 201 myocardial SPECT. Acta Cardiol Sin Volume 22. Suppl II, p-21, 2006.
Wei-Chun Huang, Kuan-Rau Chiou, Shih-kai Lin, Ming-Ting Wu*, Yi-Luan Huang*, Shin-Hung Hsiao, Guang-Yuan Mar, Hsiang-chiang Hsiao, Doyal Lee, Chuen-Wang Chiou, Tung-Cheng Yeh, Han-ren Wu, Chi-cheng Lia, Shoa-Lin Lin, Chun-Peng Liu. Early assessment of culprit lesions via 64-Slice Submillimeter Multidector Spiral computerized Tomography in patients after acute ST elevation and non-ST elevation myocardial infarction. 16th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology (APCC) International J Cardiol. 2007;122(Suppl 1):P-60.
Lin SL, Hsu HC, Huang WC, Liu CP, Chung HT. Risk stratification in patients with acute myocardial infarction. International J Cardiol. 2007;122(Suppl 1):P113.
Chou LP, Kao C, Lin SL. New electrocardiographic criteria for identifying the culprit site of coronary artery in inferior myocardial infarction. International J Cardiol 2007;122(Suppl 1):P-110. (國際會議)
Lin SL. Perfusion/stress and molecular imagine. J Taiwan Soc Echocardiog 2007;1(1):P-19
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Lin SL. Mechanical mitral valve dysfunction. Symposium of the 18th International conference on Echocardiography and allied techniques. New Orleans, Louisiana. 2008; p-5. (國際會議)
Liu CP, Huang WC, Chiou KR, Wu MT, Huang YL. MDCT CAN IDENTIFY AND CHARACTERIZE THE OCCLUSIVE CULPRIT LESIONS WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (International Academy of Cardiology 14th World Congress on Heart Disease Annual Scientific Sessions 2008, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 26-29, 2008). (7/29/2008 at 08:30-12:30 in Poster Hall at The Fairmont Royal York) Abstract Book Page.
Liu CP, Chiou KR, Huang WC, Wu MT, Huang YL. SAFETY AND ACCURACY OF MDCT FOR EARLY ASSESSMENT OF CULPRIT LESIONS AND DISEASED VESSELS AFTER AMI (International Academy of Cardiology 14th World Congress on Heart Disease Annual Scientific Sessions 2008, Toronto, ON, Canada , July 26-29, 2008). (7/29/2008 at 08:30-12:30 in Poster Hall at The Fairmont Royal York) Abstract Book Page.
Huang WC, Kuo FU, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Chiang CH, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Li WK, Wann SR, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. The Effect of Failure Mode Effect Analysis on Reducing Door-to-Balloon Time and Mortality in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial infarction. Acta Cardiol Sin. 2008, Oct, Vol. 24, Supplement I, p41.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. Quality-of-Care Indicators in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction can be Improved by a Continuous Quality Improvement program. Acta Cardiol Sin. 2008, Oct, Vol. 24, Supplement I, p41.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Chiang CH, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Li WK, Wann SR, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. Failure Mode and Effect analysis (FMEA) reduces Door to Balloon Time and Mortality in ST segment Elevation MI. 3rd Taiwan society of critical care medicine (TSCCM) annual meeting, 2008, Oct 4-5. p165.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. Quality-of-Care Indicators in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction can be Improved by a Continuous Quality Improvement program. Annual Conference of Taiwan Society of Critical Care Medicine TSCCM, annual convention, 2008, Oct. p105.
Chung CC, Huang WC, Chiou KR, Lin KL, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Hsiao SH, Liu CP. Ratio of early mitral inflow peak velocity to flow propagation velocity predicts training effects of cardiac rehabilitation in patients after acute myocardial infarction. 4th Taiwan society of echocardiography 2008 annul meeting. Abstract book. Page. (台灣心臟超音波學會第四屆學術演講年會「年會最佳論文獎」第二名)
Huang WC, Kuo FU, Cheng CC, Chiang CH, Tsai HL, Chung CC, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Li WK, Wann SR, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. The Effect of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis on Reducing Door-to-Balloon Time and Mortality in patients with ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarctio. Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine, Annual meeting, 2008, Nov. Abstract book, p.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Chiang CH, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. Quality-of-Care Indicators in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction can be Improved by a Continuous Quality Improvement program. Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine, Annual meeting, 2008, Nov. Abstract book, p.
Lin SL, Chou LP, Liu CP. Early Identification of the Culprit sites of Coronary Arteries using a new ECG Criterion in Patients with Inferior Myocardial Infarction. Basic & Clinical Med. 2009; (Suppl): p-40 (國際會議)
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Chung CC, Chiang CH, Li WK, Wann SR, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. DOOR-TO-BALLOON TIME AND MORTALITY IN ST-SEGMENT ELEVATION MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION CAN BE REDUCED BY QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. CCT 2009 Jan 29-31. (Complex Cardiovascular Therapeutics) Annual meeting, Abstract book, Page 72.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Tasi HL, Chiou KR, Wann SR, Lin SL, Liu CP. THE EFFECT OF FAILURE MODE AND EFFECT ANALYSIS ON REDUCING DOOR-TO-BALLOON TIME AND MORTALITY IN ST-SEGMENT ELEVATION MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION. ACC’09 American College of Cardiology, 58th annual meeting (USA, Orlando). 2009, March 29-31. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2009. Page.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. Quality-of-Care Indicators in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction can be Improved by a Continuous Quality Improvement program. Angioplasty Summit-TCT Asia (Seoul, Korea). 2009, April 22-24. Am J Cardiol. 2009, Page.
Chiang CH, Kuo FU, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. Quality-of-care indicators in patients with acute myocardial infarction can be improved by a continuous quality improvement. 18th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology. APCC 2009. International J Cardiol. 2009 April;Suppl 1:P.
Huang WC, Kuo FU, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Chiang CH, Tsai HL, Chung CC, Chiou KR, Wann SR, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. The impact of failure mode and effect analysis on reducing door-to-balloon time and mortality in patients after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Congress of the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (Euro-PCR) 2009 conference, May 19-22. (Oral presentation, Spain, Barcelona.) Eurointervention. 2009, p.
Liu CP, Kuo FU, Huang WC, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Lin SL, Chiou KR, Clinical Impact of Continous Quality Improvement on Reducing Door-to-Balloon Time and Mortality in Patients with ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Primary Angioplasty. Wann SR. XV International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, 2009, June 14-18. Boston, USA. Abstract book, p.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Wann SR, Lin SL, Liu CP. The Quality Care of Patients with ST-segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infartion from Reducing Door-to-Balloon Time and Mortality: A Failure Mode and Effect Analysis study. The International Society for Quality in Health Care 26th annual meeting ISQua 2009, Page. (Ireland)
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Wann SR, Lin SL, Liu CP. The Quality Care of Patients with ST-segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infartion from Reducing Door-to-Balloon Time and Mortality: A Failure Mode and Effect Analysis study. The International Society for Quality in Health Care 26th annual meeting ISQua 2009, Page. (Ireland)
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Huang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. Quality-of-care indicators in patients with acute myocardial infarction can be improved by a continuous quality project. 32th International Convention on Quality control circles, ICQCC 2009, October; Volume : page.
Chung CC, Huang WC, Chiou KR, Lin KL, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Hsiao SH, Lee DY, Mar GY, Lin SL, Liu CP. Using echocardiographic index to assess training effects of cardiac rehabilitation in patients after acute myocardial infarction. 4th Taiwan society of critical care medicine (TSCCM) annual meeting, 17 Oct 2009. Soc Emerg Crit Care Med(Suppl I)2009, Page. (98043) (中華民國重症醫學會第四屆第三次會員大會暨學術演講會)
Lin SL, Hsu CC, Hsu CW, Huang WC, Liu CP, Cheng CC. Comparison of the effectiveness of APACHE Scoring System and conventional evaluation in Predicting the Mortality of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. 4th Taiwan society of critical care medicine (TSCCM) annual meeting, 17 Oct 2009. Soc Emerg Crit Care Med(Suppl I)2009, Page. (98045), p 126(中華民國重症醫學會第四屆第三次會員大會暨學術演講會)
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chung CC, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Chiou CW, Liu CP. Quality-of-Care Indicators in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction cab Be Improved by A Continuous Quality Improvement Program. The International Society for Quality in Health Care 27th annual meeting ISQua. 13 Oct, 2010, Page. (Paris, France)
Kuo FY, Huang WC. Continuous quality improvement method - reducing door-to-balloon time and mortality ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) & Stent for Life Forum. Congress of the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (Euro-PCR) 2010 conference, 25 May 2010. (Oral presentation, Paris, France.) Eurointervention. 2010, p.
Huang WC, Kuo FU, Mar GY, Cheng CC, Tsai HL, Chiou KR, Wann SR, Lin SL, Liu CP. The effect of continuous quality improvement method on reducing Door-to-Balloon Time and Mortality in Patients with ST-segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction. Congress of the Asia Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (Asia-PCR). 23 Jan, 2010. Singapore, page. (Abstract winner)
Lin SL, Hong JC, Ru HH, Kang PL, Liu JP, Cheng CC. Successful reperfusion in a patient with repeatedST elevation myocardial infarctions involving a prosthetic coronary artery bypass graft. Taiwan Crit Care Med. (Suppl 1): 2010; p-106.
Kuo FU, Huang WC, Chiou KR, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Hsiao HC Lee D, Yeh TC, Hang HR, Lai CC, Lin SL, Chiou CW, Liu CP. Efficacy of STEMI network in Southern Taiwan- a 3-year follow up study. 中華民國心臟學會第四十一屆年會暨學術演講會 Acta Cardiol Sin, (Suppl I) p-, PM1600 14 May, 2011.
Hung CC, Huang WC, Chiou KR, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Chiang CH, Hsiao SH, Mar GY, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Yeh TC, Hwang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Chiou CW, Liu CP. The pre-intervention renal function can assess clinical outcomes in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction post primary angioplasty. TSOC annual meeting 2012. PM14:30 May 4, 2012. Abstract book. P48.
Hung CC, Huang WC, Chiou KR, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Chiang CH, Hsiao SH, Mar GY, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Yeh TC, Hwang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Chiou CW, Liu CP. The pre-intervention renal function can assess clinical outcomes in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction post primary angioplasty APSC Subspecialty Congress - Intervention and Imaging 2012. PM15:10 May 4, 2012. Abstract book. p24.
Huang WC, Lin TW, Chiou KR, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Chiang CH, Hsiao SH, Mar GY, Hsiao HC, Lin SL, Yeh TC, Lia CC, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Hwang HR, Chiou CW, Liu CP. Comparing culprit lesions in ST-segment elevation and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction with multidetector computed tomography APSC Subspecialty Congress - Intervention and Imaging 2012. PM17:00 May 4, 2012. Abstract book. p20.
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. Failure to immediate restore No-reflow phenomenon during PCI despite cocktail therapy. TOPIC (Tokyo Percutaneous cardiovascular Intervention Conference) 2012. PM15:30 July 26, 2012.
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. Failure to immediate rescue no reflow phenomenon in a STEMI patient with cardiogenic shock despite multiple approaches. Taiwan transcatheter Therapeutics autumn conference Case competition. 16th September, 2012. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Huang WC, The experience of Reducing Door-to-Balloon time and Mortality in Patients after myocardial infarction. Cardiovascular Interventional Summit Hong Kong Case competition第七屆中國南方心臟介入研討會 Nov 24, 2012 Macau
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. Failure to immediate rescue no reflow phenomenon in a STEMI patient with cardiogenic shock despite multiple approaches PCI clinical case forum, AsiaPCR, Singapore. 25th January, 2013. (08:38-08:46)
Hung CC, Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. Failure to Immediate Rescue No-Reflow Phenomenon in STEMI with Cardiogenic Shock Despite Multiple Approaches. CASE20121215_004. Angioplasty summit TCTAP. April 23-26, 2013. Coex, Seoul, Korea.
Huang WC. The advance of prehospital ECG in Taiwan.臺北市政府衛生局102年度緊急醫療教育訓練-「重大緊急傷病之區域化照護體系之建置—從社區、到院前救護、急診到各專科照護」計畫課程. 新光醫院地下一樓大會議室June 18, 2013. Taipei, Taiwan
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. The application of multiple approaches to rescue no-reflow phenomenon in a STEMI patient. Chinese medical association 2013 annual conference. 29 June, 2013. 中華醫學會102年度會員大會暨聯合學術研討會節目表.102年6月29日(星期六)
Huang WC. The improvement of early mobilization in patients with acute myocardial infarction using continuous quality improvement program. The Taiwan Society of Critical Care Medicine annual conference, 2014. Oct 12, 2014. Taipei, Taiwan.中華民國重症醫學會102年會員大會暨學術演講會 年會最佳論論文獎第一名(口頭)
Huang WC. The improvement of early mobilization in patients with acute myocardial infarction using continuous quality improvement program. The society of emergency critical care and medicine annual conference, 2014. Oct 12, 2014. Taipei, Taiwan. 中華民國急救加護醫會 102 年年會 台大醫院國際會議中心二樓203會場
Huang WC. The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan. 促進特殊緊急傷病患轉診效能模式研討會Oct 22, 2013. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄長庚兒童醫院6F藍光廳
Huang WC. The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan. 高雄市緊急醫療資訊整合中心(EMOC)年度緊急醫療救護研討會Oct 28, 2013. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄長庚星光廳
Huang WC, Chiou KR, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Hung CC, Hsiao SH, Yang JS, Lin SL, Mar GY, Chiou CW, Liu CP. Comparison of 5-year outcomes between drug-eluting and bare-metal stents in patients after acute myocardial infarction with or without diabetes. TCT annual conference 2013. San francisco. USA. ( Moscone West, , 1st Floor) Oct 29, 2013 Abstract book. P. (3:30 PM - 5:30 PM) Presenter – Poster
Huang WC. The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan. 102年度高屏醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫成果發表會Nov 15, 2013. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄麗尊酒店
Huang WC. The improvement of early mobilization in patients with acute myocardial infarction using continuous quality improvement program. Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine annal conference 2014. Nov 23, 2014. Taipei, Taiwan. 102年台灣內科醫學會會員大會暨學術演講會
Huang WC. How to manage massive thrombus in a bifurcation lesion.. 6th Left Main & Coronary Bifurcation Summit (CBS 2013). 第六屆左主幹暨冠狀動脈分叉病變峰會. Nov 29, 2013. (07:15 AM - 07:25 AM) Nanjing, China (Speaker)
Huang WC. The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan. 高屏醫療區計畫總成果發表會Dec 9, 2013. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄榮總急診大樓6樓
Huang WC. The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan. TSOC winter conference.中華民國心臟學會冬季學術研討會Dec 11, 2013. Tainan, Taiwan台南香格里拉會議室
Huang WC. Subacute re-occlusion of RCA CTO lesion via retrograde PCI. 11th Jan, 2014. TTT annual conference, Taipei, Taiwan
Huang WC. Repeat subacute re-occlusion of right coronary artery coronary chronic total occlusion lesion post PCI. Jan 16, 2014. Asia PCR, 2014. Singapore. (16:15- 17:45 )
Huang WC. Two year outcome of biodegradable polymer surface coatings biolimus eluting vs. bare-metal stents in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Jan 16-18, 2014. Asia PCR, 2014. Singapore.
Huang WC. The improvement of early mobilization in patients with acute myocardial infarction using continuous quality improvement program. Jan 16-18, 2014. Asia PCR, 2014. Singapore.
Huang WC. The experience of quality improvement in clinical care. 浦東東海論壇研討會. Feb 21, 2014. Shanghai, China
Huang WC. The experience of quality improvement in clinical care. 臺北市立聯合醫院102年度品質改善專案成果發表會March 20, 2014. Taipei, Taiwan臺北市立聯合醫院忠孝院區
Huang WC. The experience of preospital ECG in Taiwan. NTU Yunlin hospital 10th international conference. Emergency and Critical Care:Reorganization for More-efficient Care Delivery. 台大雲林分院十周年國際學術研討會March 22, 2014. Yunlin, Taiwan台大雲林分院
Huang WC. The application of retrograde PCI technique in management of acute closure in a patient after AMI. 海峽兩岸心血管臨床危重疑難病例研討會,第16屆中國南方會. April 12, 2014. 東方賓館203B廳, China. (09:10-09:30)
Huang WC. Quality improvement in clinical care成大麻醉科月會分享April 19, 2014.
Huang WC. Subacute re-occlusion of RCA CTO lesion via retrograde PCI. Angioplasty summit TCTAP. April 25, 2014, Coex, Seoul, Korea. (9:22 AM ~ 9:32 AM)
Hung CC, Huang WC. How to Manage Thrombus when PCI for Bifurcation Lesion. Angioplasty summit TCTAP. April 23, Coex, Seoul, Korea.
Huang WC. Successful management of acute closure in ACS intervention via retrograde PCI. KSVGH complex PCI summit. May 10, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Huang WC. Door-to-balloon Time: The Only Thing in Primary PCI? May 18, 2014. TSOC annual conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
Huang WC. How to manage massive thrombus when PCI for bifurcation in a STEMI patient via transradial approach? Complex coronary CTO recanalisation procedures. Euro PCR. May 20, 2014, Paris, France.15:20 to 16:50, in Room 342AB
Huang WC. Failure to rescue no-reflow phenomenon in a STEMI patient with cardiogenic shock despite multiple approaches. Thrombus aspiration failed: what next? Euro PCR. May 20, 2014, Paris, France. 13:40 to 15:10, in Room 342AB
Huang WC. The improvement of early mobilization in patients with acute myocardial infarction using continuous quality improvement program. The 4th International Conference on Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety, HEPS. June 25, 2014
Huang WC. The experience of quality improvement in critical care. 103年度南區醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫-醫療品質暨病人安全優良案例分享研討會June 27, 2014. Tainan, Taiwan新樓醫院六樓馬雅各紀念堂
Huang WC. STEMI guideline. TTT/TSOC Board Review course July 20, 2014
Huang WC .The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city,Taiwan 103年度南區醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫醫療品質暨病人安全優良案例分享研討會July26,2014. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄市政府衛生局5樓視訊會議室
Wei-Chun Huang, Cheng-Chung Hung, Jin-Shiou Yang, Cheng-Hung Chiang, Chuen-Wang Chiou, Pei-Leun Kang, Chun-Peng Liu, How to improve early mobilization in patients with uncomplicated acute ST elevation myocardial infarction?2014年台灣健康照護聯合學術研討會 29 aug 2014
Huang WC. Quality improvement in clinical care兩岸醫療獎決賽發表分享Sep 2, 2014. 中國杭州
Huang WC. The experience of quality improvement in acute ST elevation myocardial infarction? 長海會,上海市第二軍醫大學長海医院 Sep 27 2014 上海
Huang WC. PCI for AMI/ACS: Latest Update Post-EuroPCR 2014 Highlights-TTT autum Oct 4 2014
Wei-Chun Huang, Cheng-Chung Hung, Kuan-Rau Chiou, Chin-Chang Cheng, Cheng-Hung Chiang, Feng-Yu Kuo, Jin-Shiou Yang , Shin-Hung Hsiao, Chi-Cheng Lai, Tong-Chen Yeh, Hsiang-chiang Hsiao, Tzu-Wen Lin, Guang-Yuan Mar, Chuen-Wang Chiou, Pei-Leun Kang, Chun-Peng Liu., How to set up pre-hospital ambulance electrocardiogram system in Taiwan? Taiwan society of critical care medicine (TSCCM) annual meeting, Oct 4. 2014 台大醫學院 101~104 講堂
Cheng-Chung Hung, MD1, Wei-Chun Huang, MD, PHD1,2,3, Kuan-Rau Chiou, MD 1,2, Chin-Chang Cheng, MD 1,2, Cheng-Hung Chiang, MD1, Feng-Yu Kuo, MD1, Jin-Shiou Yang 3, Shin-Hung Hsiao, MD 1,2, Chi-Cheng Lai, MD 1,2, Tong-Chen Yeh, MD1, Hsiang-chiang Hsiao, MD1,2, Tzu-Wen Lin, PHD4, Guang-Yuan Mar, MD1, Chuen-Wang Chiou, MD 1,2, Pei-Leun Kang, MD 1,Chun-Peng Liu, MD 1,2. The successful experience of establishment of pre-Hospital ECG in Kaohsiung city.中華民國急救加護醫學會103年年會暨學術研討會Oct 18, 2014台大醫院國際會議中心三樓海報展示區
Wei-Chun Huang, MD, PHDa,b,c, Cheng-Chung Hung, MDa, Yi-Jyan Lioud, Cheng-Hung Chiang, MD a,b, Song-Ming Hungd, Yi-Shou Lind, Chin-Chang Cheng, MD a,b, Feng-Yu Kuo, MDa, Kuan-Rau Chiou, MD a,b, Chien-Jung Chene, Li-Shuang Yane, Chin-Yen Liue, Hsiao-Hsing Wange, Pei-Leun Kang, MD, PHDa,b, Hong-Long Chend, Chi-Kung Hoe, Guang-Yuan Mar, MDa, Chun-Peng Liu, MD a,b. How to improve prehospital electrocardiogram implementation rate via hybrid QC circle method in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan? International Conference on Quality 2014, SGA Kaizen Competition Session, Tokyo. 20th, October, 2014
Wei-Chun Huang, MD, PHD1,2,3, Kuan-Rau Chiou, MD 1,2, Chin-Chang Cheng, MD 1,2, Cheng-Hung Chiang, MD1, Guang-Yuan Mar, MD1, Pei-Leun Kang, MD 1,Chun-Peng Liu, MD 1,2. Management of acute closure during PCI for LAD functional total occluded lesion. CCT2014 October 30 (Thu.) 8:30-10:00 “ACS (1)” Room3, 2014
Wei-Chun Huang, MD, PHD1,2,3, Cheng-Chung Hung, MD1, Kuan-Rau Chiou, MD 1,2, Chin-Chang Cheng, MD 1,2, Cheng-Hung Chiang, MD1, Feng-Yu Kuo, MD1, Guang-Yuan Mar, MD1, Pei-Leun Kang, MD 1,Chun-Peng Liu, MD 1,2. How to set up pre-hospital ambulance electrocardiogram system in Taiwan? CCT2014 October 31, 2014
Huang WC .The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan 103年度高屏醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫年度總成果發表會暨年終檢討會Nov 4,2014. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄福華大飯店七樓金龍廳
林肅強1 黃偉春1,2,3洪正中1邱寬饒1,2江承鴻1鄭錦昌1,2郭風裕1馬光遠1 康沛倫1 劉俊鵬1,2How to set up successful pre-hospital electrocardiogram model in Kaohsiung city via continuous quality improvement progam? 台灣內科醫學會103年年會. Nov 22, 2014
Huang WC. (speech) The Experience of Pre-hospital Care in Patients with STEMI in Taiwan心血管病学进展-2, 6th廈門海峽國際心血管病學論壇 (GAP-CCBC) 11:10-11:25, 28 Nov. 2014. China.
黃偉春1,2,3 洪正中1 洪松銘4 林益收4 劉一娟4 江承鴻1,2 萬樹人5 劉錦燕6顏麗霜6 陳建榮6 王小星6 鄭錦昌1,2郭風裕1 馬光遠1 康沛倫1 劉俊鵬1,2Using Hybrid Quality-control-circle Method to Improve Ambulance Prehospital Electrocardiogram Implantation Rate.台灣急診醫學會2014年冬季學術討論會Dec 19, 2014 嘉義長庚醫院 第二國際會議廳
Huang WC .The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan 103全國首創即時無線傳輸12導程心電圖系統成果發表會Dec31,2014. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄市政府衛生局8樓國際會議室
Huang WC. Management of acute closure during PCI for LAD functional total occluded lesion (10:02 - 10:14) AsiaPCR. Interactive Case Corner I Thursday 22nd January, 2015
Wei-Chun Huang, MD, PHD1,2,3, Cheng-Chung Hung, MD1, Kuan-Rau Chiou, MD 1,2, Chin-Chang Cheng, MD 1,2, Cheng-Hung Chiang, MD1, Feng-Yu Kuo, MD1, Guang-Yuan Mar, MD1, Pei-Leun Kang, MD 1,Chun-Peng Liu, MD 1,2. How to shorten ischemia to balloon time via pre-hospital ambulance electrocardiogram system in Taiwan? (11:18 - 11:26) AsiaPCR. Friday 23rd January, 2015
Huang WC. (speech) Efficient AMI team - Optimization of treatment Process中國南方國際心血管病學術會. April 9-12 China, 2015 (中國廣州)
Hung CC, Huang WC. How to Manage Massive Thrombus in a RCA Long Stent In-Stent Restenosis Lesion via Trans-Radial Approach. TCTAP2015. April 29, 2015 5:10 PM ~5:20 PM Case Zone I, Level 1 Moderated Complex Case Competition I 1-4. Acute Coronary Syndrome, Seoul, Korea
Huang WC. Treatment of Acute Closure During PCI for LAD Functional Total Occluded Lesion. TCTAP2015. April 30, 2015 8:50 AM ~ 9:00 AM Case Zone I, Level 1 Moderated Complex Case Competition I 1-5. Acute Coronary Syndrome, Seoul, Korea
Huang WC. The Successful Experience of Establishment of Ambulance Pre-Hospital Electrocardiogram System in Kaohsiung City, TAIWAN. TCTAP2015. April 30, 2015 11:00 AM ~ 11:10 AM Abstract Zone I, Level 1 Moderated Oral Abstract Competition I 1-7. Acute Myocardiac Infarction, Seoul, Korea
Wei-Chun Huang1,2,3, Pei-Leun Kang1, Guang-Yuan Mar1, Chun-Peng Liu1,2 The Successful Experience of Establishment of Ambulance Pre-Hospital Electrocardiogram System in Kaohsiung City, TAIWAN.. May 23-24. TSOC 2015
Huang WC, Guang-Yuan Mar, MDa, Chun-Peng Liu, MD a,b. Retrograde management of acute closure during PCI for functional occlusion patient Europcr 2015 Wednesday 20th May, 2015 Room Ternes 2.
Huang WC, Hung CC, Hung SM, Liu YS, Chiang CH, Wann SR, Liu CY, Yan LS, Chen CJ, Want HH, Cheng CC, Kuo FY, Mar GY, Kang PL, Liu CP. Using Hybrid Quality-control-circle Method to Improve Ambulance Prehospital Electrocardiogram Implantation Rate. Taiwan society of emergency medicine summer conference. May 23, 2015
Huang WC. Efficient AMI team work急性胸痛区域救治研讨会暨第六届黄河口心血管病论坛論壇 May 29-30 2015
Huang WC. ACS guideline. TTT/ TSOC Board Review course July 12, 2015
Huang WC, Hung CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. The successful experience of establishment of pre-hospital ECG in Kaohsiung city. ISQUA Oct 4-7, 2015.
Huang WC, Hung CC, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. The improvement of early mobilization in patients with acute myocardial infarction using continuous quality improvement program. ICQCC OCT 5-8. 2015
Huang WC .The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan 104年度南區醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫「醫療創新與優秀案例觀摩提升病人安全」研討會Oct8,2015. Tainan, Taiwan台南市立醫院
Lin SL, Liu CP. Acute myocardial infarction, left ventricular thrombus, and acute thromboembolic stroke- a treatment dilemma. Taiwan Crit Care Med (Suppl 1):2015; Page-78
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Hung CC, Liou YJ, Hung SM, Chiang CH, Lin YS, Cheng CC, Chiou KR, Chen CJ, Yan LS, Liu CY, Wang HH, Kang PL, Chen HL, Ho CK, Mar GY, Liu CP. The successful experience of establishment of Asia First City based telemetry transmit Ambulance Pre-hospital Electrocardiogram System In Taiwan, CCT Kobe 29 Oct. 2015.
Huang WC .The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan 104年度高屏醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫-轉診子計畫年度成果發表會暨學術研討會Oct29,2015. Kaohsiung, Taiwan高雄福容大飯店五樓會議室
Huang WC .The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan104年度高屏醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫暨醫療網成果發表會Oct30,2015. Pingtung,Taiwan屏東大鵬灣國家風景區的視聽區
Huang WC .The advance of prehospital ECG in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan 104年度高屏醫療區域輔導與醫療資源整合計畫-全國年終檢討會Nov3,2015. Yunlin, Taiwan雲林劍湖山王子大飯店
Huang WC. ACS network in Taiwan. The 8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) Nov 8. 2015
Huang WC, Hung CC, Liou YJ, Chiang CH, Hung SM, Wang HH, Chen HL, Ho CK, Mar GY, Liu CP. How to set up successful ambulance pre-hospital electrocardiogram model in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan? The 8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) Nov 7-10. 2015
Huang WC. Quality care of acute coronary syndrome in Taiwan. ASSA (Annual Scientific Session of Asian Society of Cardiology) 19 December,Shenzhen
Huang WC, Hung CC, Liou YJ, Hung SM, Chiang CH, Lin YS, Cheng CC, Kuo FY, Chiou KR, Chen CJ, Yan LS, Liu CY, Wang HH, Kang PL, Chen HL, Ho CK, Mar GY, Liu CP. Using Hybrid Quality Improvement Methods to Improve Ambulance Prehospital Electrocardiogram Implantation Rate in Kaohsiung City. TTT Jan 9, 2016.
Huang WC. OCT finding in ACS. Concise Symposium on Practical Use of IVUS and OCT in CathLab. April 17, 2016. AM 0850-1230
Huang WC, Hung CC, Liou YJ, Kao WC, Chiang CH, Cheng CC, Kuo FY, Chiou KR, Yan LS, Liu CY, Wang HH, Kang PL, Chen HL, Ho CK, Mar GY, Liu CP. How to improve the ratio of ambulance use of patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan? TSOC 2016. 14th May, 2016.09:45-10:00.
Huang WC. Efficient AMI team work急性胸痛区域救治研讨会暨第六届黄河口心血管病论坛論壇 May 29-30 2015
Hung CC, Huang WC. Application of BRS in a right coronary artery CTO case with one year follow-up. TCTAP Challenging Case Competition April 29,2016 (韓國)
沈凡筠,林文德,黃偉春,洪正中,劉錦燕,顏麗霜,楊金修,王小星,鄭錦昌,江承鴻, 林坤璋,郭風裕,黃志中,康沛倫,馬光遠,劉俊鵬.年齡及性別對於心肌梗塞影響之分析研究-以高雄市為例. Luncheon Symposium ‐ Heart Failure Management .Oct 16, 2016.. B10 (Poster)
鄭錦昌,黃偉春,柯孟韡,萬樹人,張運德,沈旻淇,黃婉婷,李姿蓉,徐志文,馬光遠,劉俊鵬,曾清俊. 咖啡酸苯乙酸抑制NF-B/HIF-1訊息路徑減緩野百合鹼引起之大鼠肺高壓Caffeic acid phenethyl ester ameliorates monocrotaline-induced rat pulmonary hypertension via suppressing NF-KB/HIF-1alpha signaling. Luncheon Symposium ‐ Heart Failure Management .Oct 16, 2016.. B12 (Poster)
Huang WC What’s New in 2016 ESC/AHA Heart Failure Treatment Guideline: From Acute Decompensation Management, Post-Acute Care to Stable Improving. Luncheon Symposium ‐ Heart Failure Management Oct 16, 2016 台大醫院國際會議中心 401 會場
沈凡筠,黃偉春,洪正中,劉錦燕,顏麗霜,楊金修,王小星,鄭 錦昌,江承鴻,林坤璋,郭風裕,黃志中,康沛倫,馬光遠,劉俊鵬. 高雄市心肌梗塞與地區分布統計相關研究. Luncheon Symposium ‐ Heart Failure Management .Oct 16, 2016.. B14 (Poster)
王美慈, 黃偉春, 洪正中, 江承鴻, 洪宛廷,林坤璋, 林聖哲, 郭書宏,楊金修, 鄭錦昌, 郭風裕, 楊澤軒,馬光遠, 劉俊鵬. DPP4 抑制劑可改善第一次心肌梗塞糖尿病人之長期預後. 中華民國重症醫學會第七屆第二次會員大會暨2017 聯合學術年會.Oct 21,2017. 中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓101講堂
Huang WC(Chairs), Lin SS. LVAD vs. BVAD for Advanced Heart Failure – Timing, Indication, and Results. TSOC annual meeting 2017. AM10:55 May 6, 2017. Room 102DE. Abstract book. P13.
Kuo SH, Huang WC, Juan WC, Lin KC, Hung WT, Chiang CH, Lin SC, Cheng CC, Lin P H, Mar GY, Wann SR, Chen Ys, Liu CP . The 5-year continuous quality improvement program can reduce in-hospital cardiac arrest via early warning information system. HPH26THInternational Conference On Health promoting Hospitals And Health Services Bologna, ITALY | JUNE 6-8, 2018.
Kuo SH,Huang WC,Juan WC,Lin KC,Hung WT,Chiang CH,Lin SC,Cheng CC,Lin,P H, Mar GY, Wann SR, Chen Ys, Liu CP . The in-hospital cardiac arrest can be alleviated via early warning information system: a 5-year CQI study . ISQua 2018 Sep 23-26,Kuala Lumpur ,ISQua35th international Conference , KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CERTER
Huang WC, Cheng-Chung Hung, Yi-Jyan Liou, Guang-Jhih Syu, Cheng-Hung Chiang, Chin-Chang Cheng, Feng-Yu Kuo, Li-Shuang Yan, Pei-Leun Kang, Guang-Yuan Mar, Chun-Peng Liu .The development of ambulance 12-lead electrocardiography telemetry system in Taiwan from 2011 to 2018.HPH26THInternational Conference On Health promoting Hospitals And Health Services Bologna, ITALY | JUNE 6-8, 2018.
Chiang CH, Huang WC, Weia KC, Wanga WH, Cheng CC, Kuoa FY, Liua KH, Hunga CC, Mara GY, Liu CP .Innovative multidisciplinary care model can reduce radiation exposurein patients withpercutaneous coronary intervention. ISQua 2018 Sep 23-26,Kuala Lumpur ,ISQua35th international Conference , KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CERTER
Hsiao SH, Chang SM, Yang SH, Lee CY, Lin SK, Huang WC. Usefulness of echocardiography to identify pulmonary embolism in patients with signs of pulmonary hypertension. Acta Cardiol Sin Volume 22. Suppl II, p-8, 2006.
Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chang CH, SL Lin, KR Chiou, Liu CP. The KS-VGH experience of Bosentan therapy for patient with pulmonary artery hypertension. 2008 Symposium of pulmonary arterial hypertension, July 13th, 2008. (7/13/2008 at The Sherwood Hotel 西華飯店) (Professor Keith McNeill in Brisbane, Australia comment) Abstract Book Page.
Kuo FY, Huang WC, Hsiao SH, Chiou KR, Lin SK, Yeh TC, Lia CC, Lin SS, Liu CP. Pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular dysfunction in patients after percutaneous angioplasty of dysfunctional hemodialysis access: A myocardial Doppler tissue imaging study. 4th Taiwan society of echocardiography 2008 annul meeting. Abstract book. Page. (台灣心臟超音波學會第四屆學術演講年會「年會最佳論文獎」第一名)
Huang WC. A case of CTD with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. PAH forum April 26, 2014.
Huang WC.PAH case- A case Pulmonary Artery Hypertension s/p SC Prostacyclin. PAH symposion. July 7, 2014.
Huang WC. A Complicated Case of Pulmonary Hypertension中國心臟大會;4:30 PM 2014 Aug 9 2014. The GAP-CCBC 2014: Guidelines and Practice-clinical Case based Conference of the Society of Cardiology, Cross-straits Medicine Exchange Association 海峡两岸医药卫生交流协会心血管专委会之指南与实践-临床危重疑难病例讨论会2014
Huang WC. Experience in PAH/CTEPH. Riociguat expert meeting. Sep 21, 2014.
Huang WC. Case sharing in PAH/CTEPH post Riociguat Treatment. Riociguat expert meeting. Oct 4, 2014.
Huang WC. Pregnancy and PAH. GSK PAH sympomsim. Oct 12, 2014-10-12
Huang WC. Pregnancy and PAH.重症聯甄課程2014 Nov 16
Huang WC. PAH Guideline. TSOC winter conference. Dec 7, 2014.
Huang WC, Ke MW, Cheng CC, Shu CW, Chiou KR, Wann SR, Pan HW, Tseng CJ, Mar GY, Liu CP. The benefits of iPSC-based therapy in pulmonary arterial hypertension rat model. 14th International Pulmonary Hypertension Forum. 2015 (Denmark)
Huang WC. Taiwan registry. 2015 Cross-Strait pulmonary hypertension forum. June 5-6, 2015. Qingdao, China.
Wei-Chun Huang1,2,3, Meng-Wei Ke1, Chin-Chang Cheng1,2,3, Shih-Hwa Chiou4,5, Shue-Ren Wann7, Chih-Wen Shu6, Kuan-Rau Chiou1,2, Ching-Jiunn Tseng6, Feng-Yu Kuo1, Shin-Hung Hsiao1, Pei-Leun Kang1, Guang-Yuan Mar1, Chun-Peng Liu1,2Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Alleviate Inflammation in Monocrotaline-induced Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. TSOC 2015. May 23-24. TSOC 2015
Ke MW, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chiou SH, Wann SR, Shu CW, Chiou KR, Tseng CJ, Mar GY, Liu CP. Therapeutic potential of induced pluripotent stem cells in monocrotaline-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension. ESC. Aug 29-Sep 2, 2015
Huang WC, Ke MW, Cheng CC, Chiou SH, Wann SR, Shu CW, Chiou KR, Tseng CJ, Pan HW, Mar GY, Liu CP. Benefits of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based therapy on prevention of monocrotaline-induced pulmonary artery hypertension. The 8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) Nov 7-10. 2015
Huang WC, Ke MW, Cheng CC, Chiou SH, Wann SR, Shu CW, Chiou KR, Tseng CJ, Shen MC, Huang WT, Li TJ, Kang PL, Mar GY, Liu CP. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Secretome in Monocrotaline-induced Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Rats. AHA November 10, 2015 (10–11 a.m)
Cheng CC, Huang WC, Yang JS, Lin KL, Hung CC, Chiou KR, Chiang CH, Kuo FY, Wann SR, Mar GY, Liu CP. The quality care of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension via quality control circle method. The society of emergency critical care and medicine annual conference SECCM Oct 17, 2015
Huang WC, Cheng CC, Yang JS, Lin KL, Hung CC, Chiou KR, Chiang CH, Kuo FY, Wann SR, Mar GY, Liu CP. Does the multidisciplinary care model Improve quality of life in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension? The Taiwan Society of Critical Care Medicine annual conference. TSCCM Oct 18, 2015
Yang TH, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Yang JS, Lin KL, Hung CC, Chiou KR, Chiang CH, Kuo FY, Wann SR, Mar GY, Kang PL, Liu CP. The multidisciplinary care model Can Improve quality of life in patients with pulmonary hypertension. Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine, Annual meeting, TSIM Dec 5, 2015
Huang WC, Cheng CC, Yang JS, Lin KL, Hung CC, Chiou KR, Chiang CH, Kuo FY, Wann SR, Mar GY, Kang PL, Liu CP. The multidisciplinary care model Can Improve quality of life in patients with pulmonary hypertension. Winter meeting, ,TSOC Dec 12, 2015
Huang WC, Ke MW, Cheng CC, Wang WH, Shu CW, Chiou KR, Wann SR, Mar GY, Kang PL, Liu CP. The effects of induced pluripotent stem cells secretome in pulmonary arterial hypertension rat model. 15th International Pulmonary Hypertension Forum, 2016 Spain.
Ke MW, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Wann SR, Shu CW, Tseng CJ, Mar GY, Liu CP. Down-regulation of hypoxia-induced PDGF signaling by caffeic acid phenethyl ester attenuates pulmonary arterial hypertension in rat. TSOC 2016. 14th May, 2016.09:30-09:45.
Cheng CC, Huang WC, WangWH, Yang JS, Lin KL, Hung CC, Chiou KR, Chiang CH, Kuo FY, Wann SR, Mar GY, Kang PL, Liu CP. The application of healthcare failure mode and effect analysis to improve the quality care of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. TSOC 2016. 14th May, 2016.
Huang WC. PAH Management: The Role of Prostacyclin Pathway TSOC 2016. 15th May, 2016.11:55-12:20.
Chiang CH, Huang WC. The multidisciplinary care model Can Improve quality of life in patients with pulmonary hypertension.海峡两岸暨全球华医心血管病高峰论坛, 廈門海峽國際心血管病學論壇 (GAP-CCBC) Nov. 2015. China.
Huang WC. From Guidelines to the Clinics: Treating PAH. Cross-strait pulmonary hypertension forum. June 4 2016.
Hung CC, Huang WC. CTEPH in Taiwan. Cross-strait pulmonary hypertension forum. June 4 2016.
Chiang CH, Huang WC. Autoimmune disease with PAH. Cross-strait pulmonary hypertension forum. June 4 2016
Cheng CC, Ke MW, Huang WC, Wann SR, Shu CW, Shen MC, Huang WT, Li TJ, Tseng CJ. The Effectes of caffeic acid phenethyl ester attenuates pulmonary arterial hypertension in rat. Global science pulmonary hypertension forum 2016. 3-4 June, 2016. (Berlin, Germany)
Ke MW, Cheng CC, Wann SR, Sheng MC,Li TJ, Huang WT, Huang WC, Tseng CJ. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester attenuates pulmonary arterial hypertension in rat through inhibiting the Hif-1 mediated PDGF signaling. Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine 24 June 2016
黃偉春,鄭錦昌,柯孟韡,黃婉婷,沈旻淇,李姿蓉,徐志文,萬樹人,張運德,馬光遠,劉俊鵬.發炎巨噬細胞透過活化 ERK 與 JNK 訊息路徑調節 MMP1 及 MMP10 基因於肺動脈高壓的表現. Luncheon Symposium ‐ Heart Failure Management .Oct 16, 2016.. B11 (Poster)
Huang WC(Chair). PAH Treatment Strategy. TSOC annual meeting 2017. PM16:45 May 6, 2017. Abstract book. P25. Room 105.
Huang WC. The KSVGH Experience of Quality Care in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. TSOC annual meeting 2017. PM14:00 May 7, 2017. Abstract book. P46. Room 105.
Wei-Chun Huang. 團隊介紹&認識肺高壓. 2017高雄榮總肺高壓專業治療中心「台灣肺高壓Master Course專家課程」.Aug 16,2017. 高榮心臟內科會議室
Wei-Chun Huang. 團隊介紹&認識肺高壓. 2017高雄榮總肺高壓專業治療中心「台灣肺高壓Master Course專家課程」.Jul 19,2017. 高榮心臟內科會議室
Wei-Chun Huang. 亞太區肺高壓專家會議.Aug 11,2017. Jakarta
W.C.Huang,M.W.Ke,C.C.Cheng,M.C.Shen,W.T.Huang,T.R.Lee,Y.T.Chang,S.R.Wann,C.P.Liu, Pro-inflammatory macrophage upregulate MMP-1 and MMP-10 gene expression in pulmonary arterial hypertension. ESC 2017.Aug 29,2017.
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Lin SL, Chiou KR, Liu CP, Chiang HT. Effect of breath holding on the myocardial contrast echocardiography during a continuous infusion of microbubbles. Acta Cardiol Sin (Suppl I)18: 53, 2002.
Chiou KR, Lin SL, Peng NJ, Tsay DG, Liu CP, Chiang HT. Assessment of myocardial perfusion using stress intravenous PESDA myocardial contrast echocardiography: Continuous infusion is better than bolus ? Acta Cardiol Sin (Suppl I)18: 53, 2002.
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Huang WC, Chiou KR, Lin SL, Hsiao SH, Lee Doyal, Liu CP, Chiang HT. Comparison of myocardial contrast echocardiography and dobutamine echocardiography in predicting the myocardial viability after myocardial infarction. Acta Cardiol Sin, (Suppl I) p-28, 2003.
Chiou KR, Lin SL, Huang WC, Liu CP, Chiang HT. Detection of angiographically significant coronary artery disease with power modulation images: real-time assessment myocardial perfusion and wall motion. Acta Cardiol Sin (Suppl I), p-28, 2003.
Lin SL, Chiou KR, Huang WC, Liu CP, Chiang HT. Ultrasound contrast agent enhances gene expression: an in-vitro study. Acta Cardiol Sin, (Suppl I) p-192, 2003.
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SL Lin, PJ Lu, WC Huang, KR Chiou, CP Liu. Effect of ultrasonic contrast agent in the enhancement of gene transfection. Int J Cardiol 2004; (Suppl. 2) Vol 97: S53. (The 3rd International Congress on Cardiovascular Disease, Taipei, Taiwan, November 26-28, 2004.)
Lin SL. Contrast echocardiography-beyond left ventricular opacification. Acta Cardiol Sin 2004; Vol 20 (Suppl II). Page 69
Lin SL. Contrast echocardiography in predicting the myocardial viability. SUM ROC, pp-63, 2004
Lin M, Hsieh KS, Lin SL, Chang MY, Kuo HW. Clinical usefulness of carotid ultrasonography for distinguishing ischemic cardiomyopathy from dilated cardiomyopathy in patients with frank congestive heart failure. Int J Cardiol 2004; (Suppl. 2) Vol 97: S23.
Chiou KR, Lin SL. Real-time myocardial contrast perfusion echocardiography. Proceeding of 2005 annual convention, The Society of Ultrasound in Medicine, ROC. Page 21-22
Lin SL, Liu CP, Lin TC, Yang SC, Chiou CW, Chiou KR, Huang WC. Age-related change in aortic valve with emphasis on the relation between pressure loading and thickened leaflets of the aortic valves. Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine, Annual meeting, 2005, Nov. Abstract book, p.
Lin SL, Tsao YT, Wu CJ, Liu CP. Aggressive management of acute myocardial infarction in older patients with cardiogenic shock. 3rd Asian Pacific Congress Heart Failure, 2006; TSCCM (Suppl I), p-192
Lin SL, Chiou KR, Huang WC, Liu CP. Clinical application of echocardiography for patients post-revascularization. Proceeding of 2006 Annual Convention, SUMROC, 2006; p-33
Wei-Chun Huang, Kuan-Rau Chiou, Shin-Hung Hsiao, Ming-Ting Wu*, Y-L Huang*, Shih-kai Lin, Guang-Yuan Mar, Hsiang-chiang Hsiao, Doyal Lee, Chuen-Wang Chiou, Tung-Cheng Yeh, Han-ren Wu, Chi-cheng Lia, Shoa-Lin Lin, Chun-Peng Liu. Comparison of culprit and non-culprit vessel by coronary calcium via 16-Slice Submillimeter Multidector Spiral computerized Tomography in patients after acute myocardial infarction Acta Cardiol Sin, Acta Cardiol Sin Volume 22. Suppl II, p-183, 2006.
Chiou KR, Huang WC, Hsiao SH, Mar GH, Wu MT, Peng NJ, Liu CP. Delayed contrast-enhanced multi-dectector row CT scan imaging in assessing chronic myocardial infarction: correlation with Thallium 201 myocardial SPECT. Acta Cardiol Sin Volume 22. Suppl II, p-21, 2006.
Hsiao SH, Chang SM, Yang SH, Lee CY, Lin SK, Huang WC. Usefulness of echocardiography to identify pulmonary embolism in patients with signs of pulmonary hypertension. Acta Cardiol Sin Volume 22. Suppl II, p-8, 2006.
Lin SL, Kuan-Rau Chiou, Huang WC,, Chun-Peng Liu. Detection of coronary artery disease using real-time myocardial contrast echocardiography and single-photon emission computed tomography. 28th world congress of internal medicine, WCIM 2006 p-198 (10-13 November, Taipei international convention center, poster CARDY-35)
Lin SL, Chiou KR, Huang WC, Liu CP. Clinical applications of echocardiography for patients post-revascularization. Proceeding of 2006 annual convention, The Society of Ultrasound in Medicine, ROC, P- 33
Huang WC, Ciou KR, Lin SL, Hsiao SH, Lin SK, Mar GY, Lee TY , Liu CP. Discrimination of apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy from hypertensive cardiomyopathy by real time myocardial contrast echocardiography. 3rd Taiwan society of echocardiography 2007 annul meeting. Abstract book. Page.(台灣心臟超音波學會第三屆第二次會員大會暨學術演講年會「年會最佳論文獎」第二名)
Huang WC, Chiou KR, Wu MT, Mar GY, Hsiao SH, Liu CP. Overview of the coronaries as they appear on CT. MSCT course for interventional cardiologist. March 24th, 2007(台北榮民總醫院-13樓醫療大樓)
Huang WC, Chiou KR, Lin SK, Wu MT, Huang YL, Hsiao SH, Mar GY, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Chiou CW, Yeh TC, Wu HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Liu CP. Early assessment of culprit lesions via 64-slice submillimeter multidector spiral computerized tomography in patients after acute ST elevation and non-DT elevation myocardial infarction. International J Cardiol. 2007;122(Suppl 1):P-60.
Liu CP, Huang WC, Chiou KR, Wu MT, Huang YL. MDCT CAN IDENTIFY AND CHARACTERIZE THE OCCLUSIVE CULPRIT LESIONS WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (International Academy of Cardiology 14th World Congress on Heart Disease Annual Scientific Sessions 2008, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 26-29, 2008). (7/29/2008 at 08:30-12:30 in Poster Hall at The Fairmont Royal York) Abstract Book Page.
Liu CP, Chiou KR, Huang WC, Wu MT, Huang YL. SAFETY AND ACCURACY OF MDCT FOR EARLY ASSESSMENT OF CULPRIT LESIONS AND DISEASED VESSELS AFTER AMI (International Academy of Cardiology 14th World Congress on Heart Disease Annual Scientific Sessions 2008, Toronto, ON, Canada , July 26-29, 2008). (7/29/2008 at 08:30-12:30 in Poster Hall at The Fairmont Royal York) Abstract Book Page.
Chung CC, Huang WC, Chiou KR, Lin KL, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Hsiao SH, Liu CP. Ratio of early mitral inflow peak velocity to flow propagation velocity predicts training effects of cardiac rehabilitation in patients after acute myocardial infarction. 4th Taiwan society of echocardiography 2008 annul meeting. Abstract book. Page. (台灣心臟超音波學會第四屆學術演講年會「年會最佳論文獎」第二名)
Kuo FY, Huang WC, Hsiao SH, Chiou KR, Lin SK, Yeh TC, Lia CC, Lin SS, Liu CP. Pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular dysfunction in patients after percutaneous angioplasty of dysfunctional hemodialysis access: A myocardial Doppler tissue imaging study. 4th Taiwan society of echocardiography 2008 annul meeting. Abstract book. Page. (台灣心臟超音波學會第四屆學術演講年會「年會最佳論文獎」第一名)
Chung CC, Huang WC, Chiou KR, Lin KL, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Hsiao SH, Lee DY, Mar GY, Lin SL, Liu CP. Using echocardiographic index to assess training effects of cardiac rehabilitation in patients after acute myocardial infarction. 4th Taiwan society of critical care medicine (TSCCM) annual meeting, 17 Oct 2009. Soc Emerg Crit Care Med(Suppl I)2009, Page. (98043) (中華民國重症醫學會第四屆第三次會員大會暨學術演講會)
Lin SL, Hsu CC, Hsu CW, Huang WC, Liu CP, Cheng CC. Comparison of the effectiveness of APACHE Scoring System and conventional evaluation in Predicting the Mortality of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. 4th Taiwan society of critical care medicine (TSCCM) annual meeting, 17 Oct 2009. Soc Emerg Crit Care Med(Suppl I)2009, Page. (98045)(中華民國重症醫學會第四屆第三次會員大會暨學術演講會)
Huang WC, Lin TW, Chiou KR, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Chiang CH, Hsiao SH, Mar GY, Hsiao HC, Lin SL, Yeh TC, Lia CC, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Hwang HR, Chiou CW, Liu CP. Comparing culprit lesions in ST-segment elevation and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction with multidetector computed tomography APSC Subspecialty Congress - Intervention and Imaging 2012. PM17:00 May 4, 2012. Abstract book. p20.
Huang WC. Application of IVUS in complex PCI lesion. KSVGH complex PCI summit. May 10, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Huang WC. (speech) The Use of IVUS in Complex PCI Treatment海峡两岸暨全球华医心血管病高峰论坛-4, 6th廈門海峽國際心血管病學論壇 (GAP-CCBC) 10:10-10:25 , 29 Nov. 2014. China.
Lin SL, Lin M, Wang KL. The effects of aging on the ultrasonic endothelial function, carotid and echocardiographic variables. (Abstract) 11th Asian Federation of Societies of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (AFSUMB) Congress. 2014; Page A-014
Huang WC. OCT finding in ACS. Concise Symposium on Practical Use of IVUS and OCT in CathLab. April 17, 2016. AM 0850-1230
Wei-Chun Huang.Accessory for Twelve-Lead Electrocar Diography Apparatus.Kaohsiung international invention show.Bronze Award.Dec 19,2014.
Huang WC, Hung CC, Mar GY, Liu CP.The successful experience of establishment of pre-hospital ECG in Kaohsiung city. ISQUA Oct 4-7, 2015.3
Wei-Chun Huang.Ultra-rapid electrocardiogram device.13th INTERNATIONAL SALON of INVENTIONS and NEW TECHNOLOGIES《NEW TIME》IFIA.Best invention award.Sep 28,2017
Wei-Chun Huang.Ultra-rapid electrocardiogram device.2017 Internationale Fachmesse《Ideen-Erfindungen-Neuheiten》Nürnberg.International Trade Fair 《Ideas-Inventions-New Products》Nuremberg.Gold medal.Nov 4,2017
Wei-Chun Huang.Ultra-rapid electrocardiogram device.13th INTERNATIONAL SALON of INVENTIONS and NEW TECHNOLOGIES《NEW TIME》FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCES DEVELOPMENT FUND FOR RUSSIA. Invention Special Contribution Award.Sep 28,2017
Wei-Chun Huang.Ultra-rapid electrocardiogram device.13th INTERNATIONAL SALON of INVENTIONS and NEW TECHNOLOGIES《NEW TIME》WFRI . Invention Special Contribution Award.Sep 28,2017
Wei-Chun Huang.Ultra-rapid electrocardiogram device.13th INTERNATIONAL SALON of INVENTIONS and NEW TECHNOLOGIES《NEW TIME》.Gold medal.Sep 28,2017
Lin SL, Chiou KR, Huang WC, Liu CP, Chiang HT. Ultrasound contrast agent enhances gene expression: an in-vitro study. Acta Cardiol Sin, (Suppl I) p-192, 2003.
SL Lin, PJ Lu, WC Huang, KR Chiou, CP Liu. Effect of ultrasonic contrast agent in the enhancement of gene transfection. Int J Cardiol 2004; (Suppl. 2) Vol 97: S53. (The 3rd International Congress on Cardiovascular Disease, Taipei, Taiwan, November 26-28, 2004.)
Huang WC, Sala-Newby G, Newby AC. Adverse matrix metalloproteinase production in classically compared to alternatively activated human macrophages. 78th European Atherosclerosis Society Congress. 21 June, 2010. Page (Hamburg, Germany, oral presentation, Abstract A-226-0002-01193)
Huang WC, Sala-Newby G, Newby AC, Gavin MJ. Peri-Adventitial Human Stem Cells for the Prevention of Vein Graft Disease in Pig Vein-into-Artery Interposition Grafts. SCTS annul meeting. 22 March 2011 (Abstract accepted- Oral presentation, London, UK)
Huang WC. Human Stem Cell Reduces Intimal Thickening in Experimental Porcine Vein Grafts. 駐英國代表處科技組主辦 台灣科技學術研討會 Taiwan Scientific Symposium in Bristol (Held by Science and Technology Division, Taipei Representative Office in the UK). PM1615, 19 March, 2011. (Cabot Room, The Hawthorns, University of Bristol, UK)
Huang WC, Sala-Newby G, Lewis A, Stratford PW, Newby AC, Gavin MJ. Stem cell reduces intimal thickening in experimental porcine vein grafts. British Atherosclerosis Society (BAS)/ British society for cardiovascular research (BSCR)/ British cardiovascular society (BCS) 2011 joint meeting. 13 June 2011 (Manchester, UK).
Huang WC, Sala-Newby G, Susana A, Newby AC.Classical macrophage activation induces an adverse spectrum of matrix metalloproteinases through mitogen activated kinases and NFB. European society of Cardiology Congress 2011. 28 Aug 2011 AM10-11. (Paris. France).
Huang WC, Sala-Newby G, Susana A, Newby AC.Classical macrophage activation induces an adverse spectrum of matrix metalloproteinases through mitogen activated kinases and NFB. BHF site visit in BHI. 2011. 15 Sep Aug 2011.
Sala-Newby G, Huang WC, Johnson JL, Newby AC. Matrix Metalloproteinase-10: a product of classically-activated plaque macrophages with a possible role in collagenolysis. 6th European Meeting for Vascular Biology and Medicine (EVBM). 22 September 2011(Krakow, Poland)
Huang WC, Lin TW, Chiou KR, Chioe CW, Liu CP, Sala-Newby GB, Newby AC. The role of Matrix Metalloproteinase-10 in classically-activated plaque macrophages. TSOC annual meeting 2012. PM14:15 May 4, 2012. Abstract book. P43.
Huang WC. The role of Matrix Metalloproteinase-10 in atherosclerosis. TSOC annual meeting 2012. PM14:45 May 5, 2012. Abstract book. P138.
Lin SL, We ML, Liu TY, Hang WC, Kang PL, Chen JW. Improvement of ultrasonic endothelial function after lead-chelation therapy. TSOC annual meeting 2012. A bstract book. P239.
Lin SL, Wu ML, Liu TY, Huang WC, Kang PL, Chen JW. Improvement of ultrasonic endothelial function after lead-chelation therapy. APSC Subspecialty Congress- Intervention and Imaging 2012. (Abstract) 2012, page-239.
Lin SL, Huang WC, Liu CP. Effect of overexpression of superoxide dismutase in inhibiting the smooth muscle cell proliferation and neointima formation of rat carotid artery. TSOC annual meeting 2013. May 18-19, 2013 Abstract book. P.
Lin SL, Liu DY, Huang WC, Chen JW, Wu ML. Impact of antioxidant and chelation therapy in patients with coronary artery disease. The Taiwan Society of Critical Care Medicine annual conference, 2014. Oct 12, 2014. Taipei, Taiwan.中華民國重症醫學會102年會員大會暨學術演講會. 年會最佳臨床論論文獎第一名(海報)
Lin SL, Liu DY, Huang WC, Chen JW, Wu ML. Impact of antioxidant and chelation therapy in patients with coronary artery disease. Crit Care Med (Suppl 1):2013, p100.
Lin SL, Yeh J, Tsai P, Huang WC, Chang T, Wassler M, Geng Y. en JW, Wu ML. Superoxide Dismutase Gene Delivery Inhibits Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation, Migration, and Superoxide Production In Balloon Injured Carotid Artery. AHA 2013 Circulation (Suppl I): 2013, page-554
Lin SL, Tsai PC, Yeh JL, Huang WC. Effect of over-expression of superoxide dismutase in inhibiting the smooth muscle cell proliferation and neointima formation of rat carotid artery. J Taiwan Soc Cardiol (Suppl 1):2014; Page-218.
Lin SL, Lin M, Wang KL. The effects of aging on the ultrasonic endothelial function, carotid and echocardiographic variables. (Abstract) 11th Asian Federation of Societies of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (AFSUMB) Congress. 2014; Page A-014
Huang WC, Ke MW, Cheng CC, Shu CW, Chiou KR, Wann SR, Pan HW, Tseng CJ, Mar GY, Liu CP. The benefits of iPSC-based therapy in pulmonary arterial hypertension rat model. 14th International Pulmonary Hypertension Forum. 2015 (Denmark)
Wei-Chun Huang1,2,3, Meng-Wei Ke1, Chin-Chang Cheng1,2,3, Shih-Hwa Chiou4,5, Shue-Ren Wann7, Chih-Wen Shu6, Kuan-Rau Chiou1,2, Ching-Jiunn Tseng6, Feng-Yu Kuo1, Shin-Hung Hsiao1, Pei-Leun Kang1, Guang-Yuan Mar1, Chun-Peng Liu1,2Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Alleviate Inflammation in Monocrotaline-induced Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. TSOC 2015. May 23-24. TSOC 2015
Ke MW, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chiou SH, Wann SR, Shu CW, Chiou KR, Tseng CJ, Mar GY, Liu CP. Therapeutic potential of induced pluripotent stem cells in monocrotaline-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension. ESC. Aug 29-Sep 2, 2015
Lin SL, Yeh JL, Chen LY, Lee ST. Extracellular superoxide dismutases gene transfer using a novel baculoviral vector. J Taiwan Soc Cardiol (Suppl 1):2015; Page-198.
Ke MW, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Chang YT, Wann SR. Effect of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based therapy on Gram-negative bacteria induced rat sepsis. The 8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) Nov 7-10. 2015
Huang WC, Ke MW, Cheng CC, Chiou SH, Wann SR, Shu CW, Chiou KR, Tseng CJ, Pan HW, Mar GY, Liu CP. Benefits of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based therapy on prevention of monocrotaline-induced pulmonary artery hypertension. The 8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) Nov 7-10. 2015
Huang WC, Ke MW, Cheng CC, Chiou SH, Wann SR, Shu CW, Chiou KR, Tseng CJ, Shen MC, Huang WT, Li TJ, Kang PL, Mar GY, Liu CP. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Secretome in Monocrotaline-induced Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Rats. AHA November 10, 2015 (10–11 a.m)
Huang WC, Ke MW, Cheng CC, Wang WH, Shu CW, Chiou KR, Wann SR, Mar GY, Kang PL, Liu CP. The effects of induced pluripotent stem cells secretome in pulmonary arterial hypertension rat model. 15th International Pulmonary Hypertension Forum, 2016 Spain.
Ke MW, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Wann SR, Shu CW, Tseng CJ, Mar GY, Liu CP. Down-regulation of hypoxia-induced PDGF signaling by caffeic acid phenethyl ester attenuates pulmonary arterial hypertension in rat. TSOC 2016. 14th May, 2016.09:30-09:45.
Huang WC. PAH Management: The Role of Prostacyclin Pathway TSOC 2016. 15th May, 2016.11:55-12:20.
張運德,柯孟韡,黃偉春,鄭錦昌, 李姿蓉,黃婉婷,沈旻淇, 徐志文,萬樹人. 誘導型多功能幹細胞改善敗血症. Luncheon Symposium ‐ Heart Failure Management .Oct 16, 2016.. B13 (Poster)
Meng-Wei Ke5, Wei-Chun Huang1,2,3,6, Chin-Chang Cheng1,2,3,6, Shue-Ren Wann4, Chih-Wen Shu5, Ching-Jiunn Tseng5, Guang-Yuan Mar6, Chun-Peng Liu2,6 .Suppression of HIF-1-mediated PDGFBB signaling inhibits the hypertrophy of pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cell in vitro and in vivo. American Heart Association (AHA) 2016 .Nov 12,2016. American Heart Association’s HeartQuarters (Booth 749)
Wei-Chun Huang.Improve the cardiovascular outcome: Advanced consideration for hyperlipidemia management with combination therapy in high risk patients. 台灣血脂衛教協會 2017 上半年度北、中、南學術研討會暨年會議程. Feb 19,2017. 高醫-啟川大樓 6 樓 第一會議室
Hung CC, Huang WC, Chiou KR, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Chiang CH, Hsiao SH, Mar GY, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Yeh TC, Hwang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Chiou CW, Liu CP. The pre-intervention renal function can assess clinical outcomes in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction post primary angioplasty. TSOC annual meeting 2012. PM14:30 May 4, 2012. Abstract book. P48.
Hung CC, Huang WC, Chiou KR, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Chiang CH, Hsiao SH, Mar GY, Hsiao HC, Lee D, Yeh TC, Hwang HR, Lia CC, Lin SL, Chiou CW, Liu CP. The pre-intervention renal function can assess clinical outcomes in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction post primary angioplasty APSC Subspecialty Congress - Intervention and Imaging 2012. PM15:10 May 4, 2012. Abstract book. p24.
Huang WC, Chiou KR, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Hung CC, Hsiao SH, Yang JS, Lin SL, Mar GY, Chiou CW, Liu CP. Comparison of 5-year outcomes between drug-eluting and bare-metal stents in patients after acute myocardial infarction with or without diabetes. TCT annual conference 2013. San francisco. USA. ( Moscone West, , 1st Floor) Oct 29, 2013 Abstract book. P. (3:30 PM - 5:30 PM) Presenter – Poster
Huang WC. Two year outcome of biodegradable polymer surface coatings biolimus eluting vs. bare-metal stents in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Jan 16-18, 2014. Asia PCR, 2014. Singapore.
Huang CK, Tasi HC, Lee SS, Hsu CW, Lin CH, Kung MH, Lin SL. The influence of sepsis on cardiac function. J Emerg Crit Care Med. (Annual meeting), p-39, 2000.
Huang WC, Wann SR, Lin SL, Kung MH , Lin CH , Hsu CW. Continuous Quality Improvement Reduce Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Intensive Care Units, 25th October. 2003. Soc Emerg Crit Care Med(Suppl I)2003, Page 124.
SL Lin, WC Huang, SR Wann, CH Lin, CW Hsu, SJ Lee, YC Liu. Impact of quality improvement program in reducing the catheter-associated urinary tract infections in intensive units. Critical Care And Shock, May. 2004;7(2) suppl No.1:182 (FP08-3) The 13th Congress of the Western Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine in conjunction with the 24th Annual Congress of the Korean Society of Critical care Medicine, June 10-13, 2004. Hotel Lotte Jamsil, Seoul, Korea.
Huang WC, Lin SL, Wann SR, Lin CH, Hsu CW, Chang RI, Chang HC, Liu CP, Liu YC, Ching HC, Wei CH, Chen HL, Wen RY, Chao HL, Tseng PL, Tseng GI, Lai KH. Continuous Quality Improvement via quality-control-circle activity is capable of reducing the Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Intensive Care Units (Anti-bacteria circle). International Convention on Quality control circles, December. 2004; Volume 1: C6-1~C6-9. International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC 2004-Bangkok). 13-15, December, 2004 Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.(參加「國際品管圈會議臺灣代表團」代表中華民國於「二十七屆國際品管圈會議」發表)
Wei-Chun Huang, Renin Chang, Chien-Wei Hsu, Chin-Hsun Lin, Ming-Hsin Mai, Kam-Chung Lee, Chun-Peng Liu, Shoa-Lin Lin. Continuous Quality Improvement ReduceS unplanned extubation in Intensive Care Units. Journal of Taiwan society of critical care medicine, 2005
黃偉春,林子雯,張人尹,許健威,林志洵,買明信,林少琳,李錦中 張惠敏,魏仲秀,陳惠鈴,何修嫺,歐惠容,劉俊鵬. 降低成人加護中心非計劃性氣管內管滑脫率之品質提升方案. 第四屆台灣醫療品質促進年會. C場:病人安全醫療照護.17th June. 2006. (福華國際文教會館,台北市大安區新生南路三段30號)
Huang WC,, Lin TW, Hsu CW, Lin CH, Liu CP, Lin SL. Effectiveness of analgesic in reducing the unplanned extubation in patients with respiratory failure via quality improvement program. 28th world congress of internal medicine, WCIM 2006 p-218 (10-13 November, Taipei international convention center, poster CC-03)
Huang Wei-Chun, Lin Tzu-Wen, Hsu Chien-Wei, Lin Chin-Hsun, Chang Renin, Wei Chung-Hsiu, Au Wai-Yung, Chen Hung-Ling, Her Shiou-shyan, Cheng Hum-min, Kam-Chung Lee, Ming-Hsin Mai, Chun-Peng Liu, and Shoa-Lin Lin. Pain Control Decreases Unplanned Extubation in Intensive Care Units via Continuous The International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) 24 th annual meeting (Boston)2007, Page 3.
Wei-Chun Huang, MD, Wai-Yung Au, SV, Shoa-Lin Lin, MD, Chien-Wei Hsu, MD, Chin-Hsun Lin, MD, Renin Chang, MD, Chung-Hsiu Wei, HN, Hung-Ling Chen, HN, Shiou-shyan Her, AHN, Hum-min Cheng, RN, Kam-Chung Lee, MD, and Ming-Hsin Mai, MD. Quality Control Circle Reduces Unplanned Extubation in Intensive Care Units. International Convention on Quality control circles, December. 2007; Volume 1: C6-1~C6-9. International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC 2007-Beijeng). 24-26th, October, 2007 Bejijeng, China.(參加「國際品管圈會議臺灣代表團」代表中華民國於「三十屆國際品管圈會議」發表)
Ke MW, Huang WC, Change YT, Cheng CC, Sheng MC,Li TJ, Huang WT, Wann SR. Induced-pluripotent stem cells-derived conditioned medium attenuates the inflammation in E. coli-induced sepsis. Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine 24 June 2016.
Wei-Chun Huang. 中華民國重症醫學會南區CRRT Expert 討論會.May 27,2017. 高雄蓮潭國際會館 會議中心 R107教室
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Chen CH, Lin SL, Liou JY, Hsu TL, Chang MS. Long term follow-up after percentanous mitral valvuloplasty: an echocardiographic study. Acta Cardiol Sin 1:I-34,1991
Huang DY, Lin SL, Lin M, Hou ZY, Chang MS, wang SP, Chen CY. Different pressure gradient can be produced in a fixed stenosis – an in vitro study. Acta Cardiol Sinica. p-165, 1992
Lin M, Lin SL, Chiang HT, Chen CY. Enalapril versus hydralazine therapy in patients with aortic regurgitation and left ventricular hypertrophy. Acta Cardiol Sinica p-169, 1992
Ueng KC, Lin SL, Chen CY. Double-chambered right ventricle, a rare congenital heart disease in adults. Acta Cardiol Sinica. p-176, 1993.
Ko CC, Hou ZY, Chiang HT, Lin SL, Chen CY. Long-term efficacy and safety of very-low-dose amiodarone in the prophylaxis of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. Acta Cardiol Sinica. p-143, 1994.
Jong GP, Hou ZY, Ko CC, Lin SL, Chen CY. Low-dose amiodarone in maintenance of sinus rhythm after cardioversion of chronic atrial fibrillation. Acta Cardiol Sinica. p-102, 1994.
Lin SL, Chen CH, Hsu TL, Chang MS, Chiang HT, Hon ZY, Chen CY. Predictors of resolution of left atrial thrombus after anticoagulant therapy in patients with mitral stenosis. European Heart J 16: 423, 1995. (SCI)
Tasi DS, Lin SL, Chen YS. Discrimination of treadmil exercise test with equivocal result a new formula. Acta Cardiol Sin 13:109, 1997.
Tseng CJ, Chao CT, Wang WC, Chen KH, Wu LS, Wu CJ, Lin SL, Liu CP, Chiang HT. The assessment of an effectively fully 24-hour blood pressure control in patient with monotherapy for hypertension: methodological aspect. Acta Cardiol Sinica. 15:14, 1999.
Wu LS, Tseng CJ, Chao CT, Wang WC, Chen KH, Wu CJ, Lin SL, Liu CP, Chiang HT. "Asynchronized" autonomic decline occurs in middle-aged men, not in women. Acta Cardiol Sinica. 15:53, 1999.
Chen KH, Tseng CJ, Chao CT, Wang WC, Wu LS, Wu CJ, Lin SL, Liu CP, Chiang HT. The antihypertensive efficacy and safety of losartan versus amlodipine in Chineses patients with mild to moderate essential hypertension: A randomized, open-labeled, parallel, between-group comparsion study. Acta Cardiol Sinica. 15:102, 1999.
Kung MH, Chiou CW, Choa CT, Tseng CJ, Lin SL, Chiang HT. Comparison of midazolam & propofol administration in cardioversion treatment for chronic atrial fibrillation. Acta Cardiol Sinica. 15:108, 1999.
Lin SL, Hsu HC, Wann SR, Liu CP, Kung MH, Chiang HT. An evaluation of APACHE scoring system in patients with heart failure. Taiwan Crit Care Med (Suppl I) 1999; 1:78.
Kung MH, Chiou CW, Chao CT, Liu CP, Lin SL, Is analgesic agent necessary for the consious patients who receive electric cardioversion? Taiwan Crit Care Med (Suppl I) 1999; 1:82.
Lin SL. Current pharmacological treatment of congestive heart failure. Acta Cardiol Sinica. 15:6, 1999.
Lin CH, Lin SL, Wann SR, Kung MH, Lee SS, Hsu CW. Usefulness of sequential assessment of APACHE II score in patients admitted in the intensive care unit. J Emerg Crit Care Med. (Annual meeting), p-45, 2000.
Lee DL, Lai KH, Chiang HT, Lee KC, Lin SL. Improved gas exchange and lung mechanic after prone therapy for critically ill patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. J Emerg Crit Care Med. (Annual meeting), p-69, 2000.
Kung MH, Chiou CW, Chao CT, Lin SL, Chiang HT. Amiodarone versus propafenone for maintenance of sinus rhythm after successful cardioversion in chronic atrial fibrillation. Acta Cardiol Sim 16:165,2000.
Kung MH, Chiou CW, Lin SL. Reversible Tachyarrhythmia-Related Dilated Cardiomyopathy: A case report. J Emerg Crit Care Med (Taiwan) 2002, (suppl I) p92.
Hsu CW, Lu JY, Lin CH, Wann SR, Kung MH, Lin SL. Thoracic Mycotic Aneurysm with Initial Presentation of Hemoptysis and Fever: A Case Report. J Emerg Crit Care Med (Taiwan) 2002, (suppl I) p95.
Hung YM, Lin SL, Hung SY, Chung HM. An Outbreak of Yam Bean Seed Poisoning Mimicking Cyanide Intoxication In Southern Taiwan. J Emerg Crit Care Med (Taiwan) 2002, (suppl I) p76.
李琳、林少琳 Heliox improves pulsus paradoxus during mechanical ventilation for patients with obstructive lung disease. Soc Emerg Crit Care Med(Suppl I)Page 120, 2003,
孔明河、程曉晶、林少琳Acute myocardial damage due to organophosphate intoxication. Soc Emerg Crit Care Med(Suppl I), Page 122, 2003
Renin Chang, Hsu CW, Lin CH, Lin SL, Wann SR, Kung MH, Huang WC. Inhaled Nitric Oxide Treatment for Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, 25th October. 2003. Soc Emerg Crit Care Med(Suppl I)2003, Page 123.
Hsiang-Chiang Hsiao, Cuen-Wang Chiou, Tung-Cheng Yeh, Hwong-Ru Hwang, Wei-Chun Huang, Shin-Hung Hsiao, Kuan-Rau Chiou, Shih-kai Lin, Guang-Yuan Mar, Doyal Lee, Han-Ren Wu, Chi-cheng Lia, Chun-Peng Liu, THE POSSIBILITY OF ATRIAL PACING IN SINGLE-PASS VDD LEAD, Acta Cardiol Sin, 2005 August, Volume 21, supplement III, P176
Lin SL, Wu SC, Liu CP. Prospective and randomized study of the antihypertensive study of the antihypertensive effect of 3 antihypertensive agents, losartan, amlodipine, and lisinopril, in hypertensive patients. J Hypertension 2005; 23:S116,
Lin SL. Post-resuscitation critical care. Acta Cardiol Sin, 2005, Vol 21 (Suppl I) p-28.
Huang WC,, Shin-Hung Hsiao, Kuan-Rau Chiou, Guang-Yuan Mar, Chun-Peng Liu. Step by step technique in CTO cases- an Excimer laser experience. The Taiwan Transcatheter Therapeutics (TTT) International live course 2006 p27 ( Tri-service general hospital, oral presentation)
Chun-Peng Liu, MD, Wei-Chun Huang, MD The Advances in Application of Excimer laser angioplasty上海第二屆海峽兩岸心臟病診療策略高峰論壇2007April 13-15th
Hsu CW, Sun SF, Lin SL, Kang SP, Huang HH. Duodenal versus gastric feeding in medical intensive care unit patients: a prospective, randomized, clinical study. Taiwan Soc Cri Care Med 2009; (Suppl 1):p-111
Hsu CW, Sun SF, Lin SL, Huang HH, Ping KX, Wong KF. The impact of disease severity on gastric residual volume in medical critically ill patients. Taiwan Crit Care Med. (Suppl 1): 2010; p-104.
Wu GS, Cheng CC, Hsu CW, Chen YS, Lin SL. Strongyloides hyperinfection presenting with enterococcus faecium meningitis: a case report. Taiwan Crit Care Med (Suppl 1):2010; p-106.
Chen YT, Cheng XJ, Hsu CW, Lin SL. Chest radiograph of lung cancer-mimicking presentation in a patient treated with low-dose amiodarone. Taiwan Crit Care Med (Suppl 1):2010; p-108.
Lin SL, Ou LJ, Yeh JL. Impact of extracellular superoxide dismutase for inhibition of the smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration. The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japan. Vascular Biology Medicine, 2010; p-224.
Hsu CW, Sun SF, Lin SL, Huang JH. Better glucose control results in less nitrogen balance in medical intensive care unit patients- a Prospective, randomized, clinical study. Taiwan Crit Care Med (Suppl 1) 2011; p-81
Lin SL, Hsu CW, Cheng CC, Wu ML. Blood and urine heavy metal levels in healthy adults. Taiwan Crit Care Med (Suppl 1) 2011; p-95
Lin M, Kuo HW, Chu WY, Juhn RJ, Lin SL, Chiang BN. Effects of aging on human circulatory systems in normaltensive healthy subjects. The 8th Asian-Pacific Congress of Hypertension. J Hypertension (Suppl B) 2011, 29: e8
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. Failure to immediate restore No-reflow phenomenon during PCI despite cocktail therapy. TOPIC (Tokyo Percutaneous cardiovascular Intervention Conference) 2012. PM15:30 July 26, 2012.
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. Whether bare metal stent or DES after subintimal approach in long RCA coronary chronic total occlusion lesion. Taiwan transcatheter Therapeutics autumn conference Case competition. 15th September, 2012. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. Failure to immediate rescue no reflow phenomenon in a STEMI patient with cardiogenic shock despite multiple approaches. Taiwan transcatheter Therapeutics autumn conference Case competition. 16th September, 2012. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. Successful Management of a Dislodged Stent in Left Ventricle and Aortocoronary Dissection During Intervention for Right Coronary Artery Chronic Total Occlusion Lesion. Case competition. Cardiovascular Interventional Summit Hong Kong Case competition第七屆中國南方心臟介入研討會 Nov 24, 2012 Macau
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. Successful Management of a Dislodged Stent in Left Ventricle and Aortocoronary Dissection During Intervention for Right Coronary Artery Chronic Total Occlusion Lesion. Case competition. Taiwan transcatheter therapeutics 2013. Jan 13. Taipei, Taiwan.
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. Failure to immediate rescue no reflow phenomenon in a STEMI patient with cardiogenic shock despite multiple approaches PCI clinical case forum, AsiaPCR, Singapore. 25th January, 2013. (08:38-08:46)
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. Whether bare metal stent or DES after subintimal approach in long RCA coronary chronic total occlusion lesion Invasive imaging and physiology (IVUS/OCT/FFR) - Part I, AsiaPCR, 25th January, 2013. (09:20 - 09:28)
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. Whether bare metal stent or DES after subintimal approach in long RCA coronary chronic total occlusion lesion Invasive imaging and physiology (IVUS/OCT/FFR) 第15 屆中國南方國際心血管病學術會議 14th April, 2013 廣州東方賓館
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. Successful Management of a Dislodged Stent in Left Ventricle and Aortocoronary Dissection During Intervention for Right Coronary Artery Chronic Total Occlusion Lesion. CASE20121205_001. Angioplasty summit TCTAP. April 23-26, 2013. Coex, Seoul, Korea.
Hung CC, Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. Failure to Immediate Rescue No-Reflow Phenomenon in STEMI with Cardiogenic Shock Despite Multiple Approaches. CASE20121215_004. Angioplasty summit TCTAP. April 23-26, 2013. Coex, Seoul, Korea.
Huang WC, Kuo FY, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Liu CP. The application of multiple approaches to rescue no-reflow phenomenon in a STEMI patient. Chinese medical association 2013 annual conference. 29 June, 2013. 中華醫學會102年度會員大會暨聯合學術研討會節目表.102年6月29日(星期六)
Huang WC, Chiou KR, Kuo FY, Hsiao SH, Cheng CC, Mar GY, Lin SL, Chiou CW, Liu CP. A rare complication of a dislodged stent in left ventricle and aortocoronary dissection during intervention for chronic total occluded lesion of right coronary artery. TCT annual conference 2013. San francisco. USA. Oct 29, 2013 Abstract book. P. (Challenging Case Time: 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM) Abstract presenter
Huang WC. Retrograde PCI of RCA CTO lesion complicated with reocclusion. 福州海峽國際心血管病學論壇2013.Nov 22, 2013. (11:20 AM - 11:40 AM) Presenter
Huang WC. How to manage massive thrombus in a bifurcation lesion.. 6th Left Main & Coronary Bifurcation Summit (CBS 2013). 第六屆左主幹暨冠狀動脈分叉病變峰會. Nov 29, 2013. (07:15 AM - 07:25 AM) Nanjing, China
Huang WC. Subacute re-occlusion of RCA CTO lesion via retrograde PCI. 11th Jan, 2014. TTT annual conference, Taipei, Taiwan
Hung CC,Huang WC. Complications of PCI for right coronary artery coronary chronic total occlusion lesion: left ventricular dislodged stent and aortocoronary dissection. Jan 16, 2014. Asia PCR, 2014. Singapore. (16:15- 17:45 )
Huang WC. The application of retrograde PCI technique in management of acute closure in a patient after AMI. 海峽兩岸心血管臨床危重疑難病例研討會,第16屆中國南方會. April 12, 2014. 東方賓館203B廳, China. (09:10-09:30)
Hung CC, Huang WC. How to Manage Thrombus when PCI for Bifurcation Lesion. Angioplasty summit TCTAP. April 23, Coex, Seoul, Korea.
Huang WC. Successful management of acute closure in ACS intervention via retrograde PCI. KSVGH complex PCI summit. May 10, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Huang WC. Application of IVUS in complex PCI lesion. KSVGH complex PCI summit. May 10, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Huang WC. How to manage massive thrombus when PCI for bifurcation in a STEMI patient via transradial approach? Complex coronary CTO recanalisation procedures. Euro PCR. May 20, Paris, 2014, France.15:20 to 16:50, in Room 342AB
Huang WC. Whether BMS or DES after subintimal approach in long right coronary artery CTO lesion?”. Interactive Case Corner 18. Euro PCR. May 22, 2014, Paris, France. 14:40 to 15:40, in Ternes 2
Huang WC. Successful retrieval of a left ventricular dislodged DES and management of aortocoronary dissection at PCI for right coronary artery CTO lesion. How to handle complications during coronary CTO procedures Euro PCR. May 20, 2014, Paris, France. 12:00 to 13:30, in Room 241
Huang WC. How to manage massive thrombus in a RCA long stent ISR lesion- TTT autum Oct 4 2014
Huang WC. (speech) The Use of IVUS in Complex PCI Treatment海峡两岸暨全球华医心血管病高峰论坛-4, 6th廈門海峽國際心血管病學論壇 (GAP-CCBC) 10:10-10:25 , 29 Nov. 2014. China.
Wei-Chun Huang, MD, PHD1,2,3, Kuan-Rau Chiou, MD 1,2, Chin-Chang Cheng, MD 1,2, Cheng-Hung Chiang, MD1, Guang-Yuan Mar, MD1, Pei-Leun Kang, MD 1,Chun-Peng Liu, MD 1,2. Management of acute closure during PCI for LAD functional total occluded lesion. CCT2014 October 30 (Thu.) 8:30-10:00 “ACS (1)” Room3, 2014
Huang WC. Application of BVS in CTO lesion. BVS Elite Club conference. Dec 27, 2014.
Chen WI, Huang WC. (Case competition) 2015 young interventionist CTO conference. 亞洲青年醫師俱樂部12 Jan 2015
Huang WC. Application of BVS in PCI practices. BVS Elite Club conference. Feb 7, 2015. (Kaohsiung medical university)
Huang WC. Nightmare after intervention for subclavian artery stenosis. CTO Theater, Level 1 Partnership Session with International Society TTT @ TCTAP 2015 Co-organized by Taiwan Transcatheter Therapeutics My Worst Complication. TCTAP 2015. April 28, 2015 7:00 PM ~ 7:12 PM Seoul, Korea
Huang WC, Guang-Yuan Mar, MDa, Chun-Peng Liu, MD a,b. Retrograde management of acute closure during PCI for functional occlusion patient Europcr 2015 Wednesday 20th May, 2015 Room Ternes 2.
Huang WC. The application of BVS in CTO. 9th Oriental congress of Cardiology and 17th National conference of Chinese Society of Cardiology. Sep 12, 2015
Huang WC. The application of BVS in complex PCI. 11th Asian Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics AICTcongress 13-14 Nov 2015 Dhaka, Banglades
Huang WC. The application of BVS in burfication lesions. 6th Left Main & Coronary Bifurcation Summit (CBS). 5 December, 2015 Nanging
Huang WC. How to deliver bioresorbable vascular stents in a balloon uncrossed CTO calcified lesion? KSVGH Cardiovascular Intervention International Forum. March 26, 2016
Huang WC. Application of bioresorbable vascular stent in a right coronary artery CTO case with one year follow-up. KSVGH Cardiovascular Intervention International Forum. March 26, 2016
Huang WC. BRS in bifurcation lesions. KSVGH Cardiovascular Intervention International Forum. March 26, 2016
Huang WC. The Application of Bioabsorbable Stent in a Balloon - Unexpandable Calcified CTO Lesion in a Stage 5 CKD Patient April 29,2016. 9:02 AM ~ 9:12 AM. Challenging Case Competition with Experts' Review I.Coronary & Valve Theater, Level 1
Huang WC. The treatment of CHF in Taiwan TSOC 2016. ESC-TSOC joint session. 14th May, 2016.11:05-11:35.
Huang WC. How to manage type A intramural haematoma after subclavian artery intervention?. Europcr 2016 Peripheral complication management. Tuesday 17 May 2016 13:45 - 15:15 Room 24
Huang WC. Application of bioresorbable vascular stent in a right coronary artery CTO case with one year follow-up. Europcr 2016. Mid- and long-term follow-up after BRS. Wednesday 18 May 2016. 16:30 - 18:00Room Ternes 1
Huang WC. How to deliver bioresorbable vascular stents in a balloon uncrossed CTO calcified lesion? Europcr 2016. BRS in daily practice.Wednesday 18 May 2016, 08:30 - 10:00, Room Ternes 1
Huang WC. BRS in bifurcation lesions. Europcr 2016. BRS in bifurcation lesions. Wednesday 18 May 2016. 14:45 - 16:15. Room Ternes 1
Wei-Chun Huang. 重症醫學專科醫師聯合甄審委員會學分認證課程-重症病患的營養支持治療.Jul 22,2017. 高雄阮綜合醫院 10樓大教室
郭書宏 1 ,洪宛廷 1 ,鄭錦昌1,2,3 ,黃偉春 1,2,3 ,林聖哲 1 ,林坤璋 1 ,江承鴻 1 ,郭風裕1 ,洪正中 1 ,陳垚生 1 ,萬樹人 1 ,馬光遠 1 ,張宏泰1 ,劉俊鵬 1,3. 以健保資料庫分析C 型肝炎感染對急性心肌梗塞病人死亡率影響. 中華民國重症醫學會第七屆第二次會員大會暨2017 聯合學術年會.Oct 21,2017. 中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓101講堂
Liu HY, Huang WC, Cheng CC, Shen MC , Liao Yh a, Hung CC, Kuo SH, Lin KC, Hung WT, Chiang CH, Lin SC, Mar GY, Wann SR, Liu CP.Induced-pluripotent stem cells-derived conditioned medium attenuates the inflammation in E. coli-induced sepsis . ESICM 2nd EuroAsia Conference Hong Kong 11-14 April 2018, Hong Kong – Harbour Grand Kowloon Hotel.
Wang WH , Huang WC , Wei KC , Hung CC , Chian g CH, Cheng CC , Kuo FY, Liu KH ,Mar GY, Liu CP. Multidisciplinary care model can improve radiation exposure in patients with percutaneous coronary intervention. European Society of Cardiology. Submission deadline is Wednesday 14 February 2018. Munich – Germany .The world's largest cardiovascular congress.
Huang WC, Liu HY, Cheng CC, Shen MC, Liao Yh, Hung CC, Kuo SH, Lin KC, Hung WT, Chiang CH, Lin SC, Mar GY, Wann SR, Liu CP. The exosome from Induced pluripotent stem cell can inhibit the hyper- proliferation of pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells via down-regulating PAK-1/ROS signaling pathway. European Society of Cardiology. Submission deadline is Wednesday 14 February 2018. Munich – Germany .The world's largest cardiovascular congress.
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