


    There are many advanced medical equipments and methods of examination in our division.    

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    Computering Esophageal Manometry  

    •Computering Esophageal Manometry

    Esophageal manometry  is the recording of muscle pressures within the esophagus. It can evaluate the action of the stripping muscle waves in the main portion of the esophagus as well as the muscle valve at the end of it by automatic computing.

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    24 hr PH monitoring 

    •24 hour ambulatory pH monitoring

        24 hour ambulatory pH monitoring study is a test to determine whether gastroesophageal reflux is present and whether those reflux episodes can be correlated to symptoms.



    •Tracheobronchial stenting 

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    Placement of two stents(from:www.bostonscientific.com) 


    The Bronchofiberscope is intended for observation, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of trachesbronchial tree,including biopsy, brush cytology, demonstration and photography.

    Besides, stents can be used to prop open the airway at the site of pulmonary obstruction.



    •Esophageal mercury dilatation  

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    •Endoscopic esophageal dilatation 

    1.Esophagoscopy is important diagnostic aids in cases of esophageal malfunction.  Visualization of the upper gastrointestinal tract facilitates diagnosis of such conditions as choke, esophageal strictures, esophageal  neoplasia and ulcers.  Esopgagoscopy can aid in retrieval of a biopsy specimen.

    2.These are 3 kinds of dilators applied in our division-simple bougie , guided wire bougie ,and balloon dilators. One or more of dilators are passed down through the esophagus at a time. They are the simplest and quickest methods of opening the esophagus. 


    •The systems of VATS

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    The systems of VATS(from:http://www.upmc.edu/minsurg/VATS.htm)

      ( vedio assisted thoracic surgery)    

    By VATS procedures, surgeons operate through 2 to 4 tiny openings between the ribs while viewing the patient's internal organs on a television monitor. Patients will recover fast because of the tiny openings.

    •Harmonic scalpel   

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    •NUSS procedure

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    A new, minimally invasive and safe way for correction of pectus excavatum. (http://www.nussprocedure.com) 
