

    公告日期:111-02-15       聯絡人:洪宛琪       資料來源:研創中心       聯絡資訊:wchung@vghks.gov.tw       


    A Concise Introduction to KSVGH Originals & Enterprises

    「當老一代的脊樑散去,一個組織或國家的衰敗就開始」。 台灣正慢慢走向燈枯的道路! 創新,是在台灣中,應該要有的文化覺醒;在對的時間,對的人要站出來,說出對的話,作對的事,作對的連結;而 connecting the ‘right’s 就是該做的事!

    因此,高雄榮民總醫院為了永續發展,特別在107年開春成立研創中心! 研創中心的使命就在於連結對的人做對的事,以有意義的,持久的方式鏈結充滿原創精神的個人與有冒險野心的企業夥伴,體病所苦,知病所痛,創造能造福醫病的產品,營造真正能善醫利病的醫療環境, 並且不斷壯大,成為蓬勃發展的企業不可或缺的組成部分。 研創中心(KSVGH Originals & Enterprises) 目前已與多家公司,大學與法人機構合作,將創新推向生命科學和醫療行業的前沿,冀望能夠透過信息、參與、專業、凝合、聚焦五大面向來形成有效的臨床資訊領導力(Effective Clinical Informatics Leadership);以當責、勇敢、創意、決斷、有效、跨領域為核心思維,努力挖掘醫院、企業中的隱形品牌,成就更多的創新者與創業家,以實現醫療體系的數位治理為最高目標。

    高雄榮總雖然只有十層樓高,但研創中心希望在美麗的雲端醫療中, 蓋出 101,以實現「精進高榮、名揚天下」之願景。  

    A parable goes as follows: "When the spines of the old generation begin to wedge, the decline of an organization or a nation ensues." Taiwan is slowly moving towards the road with diminished light! Innovation is indispensable at this moment for cultural awakening in Taiwan. Thus, we desperately need right persons, at the right time, to stand up to say the right word, do the right things, and make the right connections; consequently, establishing a brand-new organization for connecting those ‘right’s is just the right thing to do!

    Therefore, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital unprecedentedly set up an innovation center in the spring of 2018 for ensuring sustainable development in medical industry!

    The mission of the Innovation Center, Originals & Enterprises, as the name implies, is to connect the right people to do the right thing by linking the individuals with original spirit with the business partners with entrepreneurial ambition in a meaningful and lasting way for inventing medical products really beneficiary for the patients and for creating a smart environment that is truly good for medical research and development, and hopefully to become an integral part of a thriving entrepreneurship.

    KSVGH Originals & Enterprises has been working with a number of companies, universities and corporate bodies to bring innovation to the forefront of the life sciences and medical industry, with the hope to form effective clinical information leadership via five major perspectives including information exchange, engagement, professionalism, orchestration and convergence; also making the best out of accountability, courage, creativity, decision-making, effectiveness, and cross-disciplinary thinking, trying to explore the tomorrow stars in hospitals and enterprises to give birth to more innovators and entrepreneurs, to achieve the highest goal of digital governance of the medical system.

    Although the main healthcare building at KSVGH campus is only ten stories high, “Originals & Enterprises” wishes to build a virtual skyscraper in the Cloud to embody the vision of medical center of excellence to gain great renown worldwide in the not far future.
