The 30th Anniversary of Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital - International Medical Education Conference:
Challenges and Opportunities of Serious Games in Medical Education
地點:高雄榮民總醫院 第一會議室 (高雄市左營區大中一路 386 號)
主辦單位:高雄榮民總醫院 教學研究部
Date:Saturday, December 26, 2020, 8:30am –17:00pm
Venue:Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, lecture hall 1, the 6th, 7th, 8th conference rooms
Organizer:Department of Medical Education and Research, KSVGH
Co-organizer:Taiwan Association of Medical Education
Sponsors: Ministry of Science and Technology、Medical Foundation in Memory of Dr. Deh-Lin Cheng
雖然遊戲的種類可分為:桌上、電腦、運動、模擬等。本研討會將聚焦於電腦及模擬類遊戲。希望踏出結合電腦遊戲與醫學教育的第一步,建立教師對電腦遊戲的基本知識及製作能力。誠摯邀請醫學教育與資訊領域同好踴躍參加,在驚濤駭浪的2020年末,let’s play!
About the conference
The word「Game」is always eye-catching and makes us cheerful. Since childhood, the thought "It would be nice if classes were like playing games." frequently jumped into our minds. With the development of information technology, the dream is coming true, and the " game-like class " turned out to be called a serious game.
The most irreplaceable advantage of games in medical education is that its competitive and interactive nature can promote the motivation to learn. In addition, the simulated scenarios that can be reset and repeated, provide students with a safe environment to try and error without causing catastrophic consequences.
Although the types of games can include: table, computer, sports, simulation, etc. This seminar will focus on computer and simulation games. We hope to take the first steps of introducing computer games into medical education, and build teachers' basic knowledge and capabilities of designing medical computer games. We sincerely invite colleagues who are interested in medical education and information to join us. At the end of the stormy year 2020, let’s play!
因為COVID-19疫情的影響,本次研討會邀請的兩位國際醫學教育嚴肅遊戲領域專家Dr. Chang 及 Dr. Yap ,將分別以預錄演講及現場連線討論的方式,為大家介紹國際上目前應用嚴肅遊戲於醫學教育的發展方向。此外於每場演講之後,將邀請兩位國內醫學教育與資訊領域專家進行更深入的議題討論。下午我們舉辦工作坊,邀請國內有遊戲製作經驗的專家帶領大家真正設計一個自己的遊戲。
How the conference will be conducted
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, two invited experts in the field of serious games in medical education, Dr. Chang and Dr. Yap will introduce the current developmental direction of serious games in medical education through pre-recorded speeches and Q&A or live online discussions. In addition, after each speech, we invite two domestic experts in the field of medical education and information to discuss more in-depth topics. In the afternoon, we hold a workshop and invite domestic experts with game production experiences to lead every group to design a game of their own.
地址: 813414 高雄市左營區大中一路386號教學研究部
報名及摘要論文投稿: 蔡先生 (07) 342-2121#71583
繳費: 宋小姐 (07) 342-2121#71529
電子海報展示: 蔡先生 (07) 342-2121#78059 / 蔡小姐 (07) 342-2121#71584
其他事項: 李小姐 (07) 342-2121#71548 / 魏小姐 (07) 342-2121#71544